Chapter 1

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I was waiting in the corner of the living room, my daughter in my arms, her eyes failing to stay open as she drifted asleep for a while and then panicked, opened her eyes again. Her pink dress made her look like a real princess. Yeojun rubbed her eyes in a cute way and looked at me while squinting them for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Daddy won't come?" she asked, battling the sleep from reaching her. It was her birthday today, and I am not surprised her father forgot about it. It's not the first time he's late to important family events.

"I don't think so sweety. Should we start? just the both of us?" I said, tickling her, trying to make her forget about the fact that her dad won't come to her birthday.

Yeojun didn't want to invite her friends, she wanted to spend her birthday with just her parents, but it seems that I'll be the only one celebrating it with her.


Yeojun went to sleep after the boring birthday she spent. I tried my best to make it as memorable as I can, I even had a cake battle with her, but the way she looked at me before she slept was telling it all: She needed her father to make this day complete, but this father doesn't care about her anymore.

I brought soju to the living room's table after cleaning the whole mess we did with cake. I grabbed a shot of soju and swallowed it. I needed to get drunk. I wanted to be strong when facing Taehyung, and the only way to do it is to be drunk.

It was 2 AM when Teahyung returned home, and as the lights were off, he obviously thought that we were sleeping.

He walked inside the house and went into the living room where I sat, opening the lights and throwing his coat and bag on the couch.

"Hello, Mr. Kim fucking Taehyung... you had fun?" I said as soon as his eyes were locked with mine, my anger that managed to disappear because of the drinks resurfaced even stronger.

"H...hey darling... were you drinking?" He walked and sat next to me, examining the soju bottles that were on the table, "You shouldn't be drinking at home when you're alone with Yeojun?"

I chuckled as I stared at him trying to lecture me about how to be a good parent "KIM.TAE.HYUNG. Stop trying to play the 'good father's role' now when you forgot Yeojun's birthday and went fucking around rather than coming and celebrating with your daughter"


"Just...just stop, I don't care anymore, I don't want to wait for you every night till 2 or 3 AM, I'm not stupid Taehyung, I know where you go every night, I know that work was just an excuse. Taehyung, that's the end, I can't accept being cheated on and not do anything about it, I can't accept letting my daughter feel like she's her father's first priority. I want a divorce Taehyung." I said as tears started spilling from my eyes, bluring my vision. Taehyung held my hand and took my chin in between his fingers moving my face up to look at him.

"Hyejin, I know I have been neglecting you and Yeojun, but you know the company wasn't in its best condition this year, we had to work overtime, and as the CEO I can't let the employees work overtime and just go back home like I am not responsible of them, I have to be..." With what he said, I moved my face away from his touch and took my hand away from his.

"You say you don't find time for your family, but you miraculously have time to go on a date with another woman. Don't lie Taehyung, I might not be the kind of woman who will stalk her husband, but I happen to have eyes, and I have seen you this morning with another woman, people saw you around that woman in different places. Do you know how humiliating it is for people to send you your spouse's pictures with another person and asking you if that's them?"I looked away from his eyes as I tried to control my tears "Make time tomorrow, we're going to the lawyer's office"

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