Chapter 2:

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His lips suddenly met mine and he started kissing me harshly. I was shocked for a second, I wasn't waiting for such a thing to happen in the middle of a fight. When I finally regained my conscious, I pushed him away from me.

"I hate you, Kim Taehyung, I hate you so much that I don't wanna see you anymore. Go away from my life already." My eyes started watering, and I tried my best to hold my tears from falling but I failed as always and started crying hard. " I hate the way you stay out late at night and then you go really early, I barely see you. Forget about me, Yeojun, your daughter haven't spent a solid hour with you for the longest time. How can you take care of her, how can you take care of us?" I started crying like crazy as he held me in a tight embrace, and then when I was in his arms, feeling his warmth that I  missed, the door opened.

"You heard her Taehyung, she hates you, just divorce her already." I turned to see Mr. Kim who was standing next to the door. Taehyung suddenly broke the hug and moved away from me. His expressions changed completely.

"How have you been doing Lee Hyejin-ssi ?" Taehyung's dad said, smirking.

"Good, is it bothering you?" I bit my lips, and wiped my tears, trying to look as strong as possible.

"Yes, a lot." He smirked again. "By the way our lawyer is downstairs, you may check on him first with Taehyung before you go"

What? I looked at Taehyung who seemed as shocked as I was. I managed to reply " Yes, of course, I might check on him, I need him the most." Taehyung changed his gaze from his father to me. He looked unready, but I don't care. I was ready, and that was enough.

We went downstairs, and I noticed how Taehyung was slowing his steps as if he didn't want to divorce. I knew he wanted, I knew he was waiting for this day to get rid of me.

"So Mr. and Mrs. Kim, you have a child, so you should take time to think before the divorce, you may change your mind after spending some time." The lawyer said.

"I won't change my mind, can't we rush things." I said.

"Ok as you like.  Who wants to take custody of the child?" the lawyer asked.

"Me" both of us said as we glared at each other. "She is my daughter I will take better care of her" Taehyung said and I scoffed. 
"Didn't knew men can make children alone. She's my daughter too,  and plus you can't even take care of yourself how can you take care of a 4 years old kid"
"my parents  will help" he answered
"Hhh,  are you serious, I'm not letting that grumpy old man and that crazy woman take care of my daughter.  They. hate. her. Do you understand? "

"don't talk about my parents that way, and no, guess what they just hate you, they don't hate our daughter."
" yes they do hate her,  remember that time when your mom told Yeojun that she will put her in the trash can. Thank God I was there at time before she really does it. And last time when your dad slapped Yeojun just because she accidentally dropped his pen." Taehyung nodded a bit before understanding that I just destroyed his claim. He then snapped out of his thoughts. 

"Can I have her one week and then you have her the other?" he asked and I nodded, this is the best solution we can do. He is still her dad and he deserves to spend time with her as well. 

"Ok so you just need to sign those papers and you are officially divorced." the lawyer said and I took the papers first, scanning them really quick and signing them. Taehyung spent more time looking at the papers, reading every paragraph slowly and taking his time to sign them. 

I stood up as memories of our time together flowed in my mind. 


"What should we call the baby? " i asked as i rubbed my stomach, motherly feelings flowing inside my chest.

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