Chapter 13

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Hyejin's POV:

"Omg I can't believe this woman" I said as my palm covered my mouth so no gasp will make its way out.

Changkyun heard her talking with someone on the phone as she admitted that she tricked taehyung to thinking that his marrow don't fit.

I was sitting with Changkyun in the hospital café as Yeojun was playing in the small playground dedicated for kids. We were thinking of a way to tell Taehyung and make him believe us.

"So, what about we do this. We go and talk with her first, if she admits what she had done we will record it and give it to Taehyung. If she doesn't, we just go tell Taehyung and hope he believes us." Changkyun said, which sounded a legit plan.

"Ok, let's do it"


I walked towards Taehyung and his mother who were sitting in the benches of the hospital.

"Is the results out yet?" I have asked them, and Taehyung shook his head clearly stressed out.

"Can I talk to you Mrs Kim for a moment?" The woman looked at me with a sour face as she got up and followed me as we went to an alley.

"What do you want?" Her hands were crossed together and her nose lifted to meet the roof. She tapped her finger over the hem of her shirt as she waited for a respond to come from my lips.

"I heard you talking on the phone" those words alone made the floor shake for her. Her arms fell to the side of her hips as she bit her lips and straightened her posture.

"And?" I could tell she tried to sound confused, like she didn't knew what I am talking about.

"You are trying to leave your husband for death. You changed Taehyung examination results and will do it also for Yeojun just so your husband won't get a marrow transplant and therefore die." My hands were shaking as I put them inside my Jacket's pocket. My left hand met a small rectangular shaped object which reminded me that I was recording our conversation.

"What are you saying? Are you trying to blame me? What do you think of yourself Hyejin? You are trying to blame me and tell Taehyung this just made up lie of yours so your daughter won't go under surgery." Her intense glare burned my forehead and my ability to think wisely. She moved past me as she tried to escape my accusations.

"We both know what's the truth Mrs. Kim. So don't try to hide your little secrets cause I know them all and I have my ways to make Taehyung believe me." My sudden courage scared me as well. Glares were exchanged between the two of us as she returned and came closer to me.

"And what are those ways? Will you try to please him in bed, cause I think that won't work" The words slipped from her lips like venom, and my hands acted as if they had a brain of their own and made contact with her right cheek.

"I am not a bitch like you" I grabbed her forearm and made her look at me in the eyes. "Just admit it already there's no need to keep it a secret cause by this time Changkyun might have already showed Taehyung the recording where you are talking on the phone and planning to trick your own husband and son." This little lie made her bite my hand and slip from my grasp. Luckily, I was fast enough to grab a fistful of her hair and drag her back to where we stood at the beginning.

"Shit, you psycho leave my hair alone." Her curses sounded scary as she tried to free herself from my grasp. "Ok, I did it just leave me the fuck alone." And as in cue I removed my hand from her hair and put it again in my jacket pockets. "Do you know how hard it's to live with a person you don't love for all this time? I finally got my ticket out and you bastards just decided to ruin it. I could have been happy just me and Taehyung as we both take care of the company alone. I could have had all the freedom I want to marry a person I truly love. I could have been rich and powerful, if you slut didn't show up with your little friend to ruin all my plans." Finally, she admitted, and finally I can tell Taehyung and make him believe on me.

"Go away, I don't think Taehyung would want to see your face after what you've done." I ordered her and she hurriedly went towards the exit and disappeared from my sight.

I took the tiny recorder out of my pocket as I stopped the recording, and then run to Changkyun and Yeojun who were waiting in the benches next to Taehyung.

"Did you got it?" Changkyun asked as soon as I appeared in front of him. I nodded and smiled. He handed me his iPad where I connected the tiny recorder and then turned to look at Taehyung.
He was blankly staring at the roof when I interrupted his peace time. "Taehyung I need you to hear this." I told him as I sat next to him, holding the iPad in my hand and playing the recording.

Minutes afterwards, Taehyung sat up straight as he took the iPad from my hand and looked at me with confusion staining his face. Another minutes passed and he got up, putting the iPad in my lap and turning to look at me in the eyes.

"Where's she?" Was all what he asked as his eyes translated pain and confusion and anger and a tiny bit of sympathy. She's still his mother no matter what she does. His hands clenched into fists and his ears turned a fushia color as he tried to hold more his anger.

"You can talk to her later. Now just sit, and don't get worked up about this, you need to save your dad. You need to be strong for him. And plus, she's still you mother, don't let your emotions overtake you." I reasoned him as I held his arm and made him sit again.
"I'll go talk to the doctor to give us his real examinations." Changkyun said behind my back as I nodded to him and flashed a small smile.

After a while, the doctor, Changkyun Oppa and Yeojun went out of the doctor office.

"I am sorry Mr. Kim for changing your examinations before, I hope you don't take any legal procedures against the hospital. Here's the real examinations. Your bone marrow fits perfectly, we can proceed to the surgery tomorrow morning." The doctor told Taehyung who looked at him with anger all over his face.

He suddenly started laughing hysterically. After just seconds, his laugh turned into a serious face as he got up and headed away from us.

"I won't do the surgery" he said before walking towards the exit.


A/n: Well originally, Taehyung's mom wasn't supposed to admit to what she did. But author-nim here is just too lazy to write about Taehyung not believing Hyejin and then She and Changkyun trying to figure out another way to gain his trust, so I just made her admit to it. LOL.

Please guys vote more and leave a lot of comments. It makes me more unmotivated to see that their are not much comments and votes in my story, and therefore I spend a longer time to write the chapters.

But anyways, you know that I love you guys.

Have a good day/night.

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