Chapter 5

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Taehyung's POV:

"Hello Taehyung.." the woman said as I stepped inside her office. Her black tight dress accentuated her curves and the V neck exaggerating her chest size.

"Hi Park Sehi.." I responded, lowering my gaze, trying to not give her a way for her to jump towards me again and try to kiss me.

"I heard you divorced that bitch finally." She said, moving standing up from her desk and embrassing me in a hug. I wanted to push her away from me and as soon as I tried to do just that she looked at me with a menacing smile, reminding me the reason I haven't pushed her away all these times she came close to me. My hands clutched into fists as I tried to contain my anger and I looked back into her eyes.

"Yea.." I responded as I walked past her and sitting on the chair next to her desk.

"Ok, so your mom said that we'll get married in a month, so I wanted to take you with me so we can buy a wedding dress." I don't know why my mother does this to me.

"It would look weird to the press if we get married this soon, give it a couple of months at least" I said "Is this the reason you called me here?" She nodded and I stood up, trying to escape her presence and go back to staying alone in my office.

"I haven't finished yet" she held my hand and stopped me from getting up, making me sit down back on the chair. "I am not asking you if we can get married next month, I am informing you about it. I will take care of the press so don't try to find excuses to make this process longer than it should be. The faster we get married, the faster your problem gets fixed"

I nodded, not having any other reaction to whatever she said. "Got it, is this all you want to say?"

"Yes, I will text you the time and place for us to pick a wedding dress" I nodded again and got up from the chair, leaving her office with no last farewell.

Sehi's family is one of the richest ones in Korea, and their company was a long time investor in our company. But after Sehi returned from the US where she was studying and found out that I was married, she told her father to stop investing in our company which caused a lot of harm to the business. My father, after finding out kept pushing me to divorce Hyejin and marry Sehi in order for our business to not get destroyed. For almost a whole year, I have been trying to solve the business problems without affecting my own personal life. However, here I am, a CEO of a near to bankruptcy company, and a divorced man who can't even make the only people he loves happy.

I divorced Hyejin, when Jimin left my side too. He has been of great help at first, sneakily helping me with the company. But when Sehi knew she told him she'll try to suicide if he keeps helping me. We both knew how crazy she is so I let him go and help his sister. My dad was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and he asked me to save the company before he dies.

So the thing I dreaded thinking of the most happened, and I needed to leave my family's side to fulfill my father's will.

I sat on my chair and took my phone, scrolling through Hyejin's and Yeojun's and my photos, where we were all happy and having a healthy relationship.

There were videos of the day Yeojun was born, the first time she talked, the first time she walked. All happy memories.

I need to see them. I though before taking my coat and my phone and going out in a rush.

After some hours stuck in traffic, I arrived finally to my ex-mother in law's house.

I knocked the door twice and then the middle aged lady came out and frowned as she saw me.

"What are you doing here?" She said as she blocked the door.

"I want to see Hye... I mean Yeojun, I miss her." I said as I lowered my head ashamed of all the pain I caused her daughter.

She stepped away and let me come in. "Sit in the couch, I will bring her to you." She said and then went inside a room.

"APPAAAAA" I heard Yeojun shout as she stepped out of the room in a rush and fighting her way to come and hug me.

I went to her and hugged her tightly. "Look at my princess, she grew up really well." I said as I lifted her and twirled around with her in my arms.

"Appa, are we going now to our house?" She asked, and I felt pain spread in my chest

"No, princess not now, just wait a bit more and then I will come to take you and your mom to our house." I told her as I kissed her cheek.

"Who said Hyejin is going anywhere with you?" I heard a voice say and I turned my head from Yeojun to look at the source of the voice.

It was Changkyun.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Same question goes to you, I am coming as Hyejin's friend and future boyfriend. But who are you?"

"I am her hus... Daughter's father, I have all the rights to be here."

"What are you two doing?" Hyejin made appearance inside the living room, making Yeojun run away from my hands to cling onto her mother.

"Omma, I missed you, where have you been yesterday." Yeojun said, which triggered the realisation. I looked at Hyejin and then at Changkyun, hurt killing me from the inside.

"Hyejin can I talk to you." I said and then eyed Changkyun "alone." I told her again

"Changkyun please can you take Yeojun outside?" Hyejin said and then the guy did as told after sending me daggers.

"What do you think you are doing? Sleeping outside the house with some random guy"

"Changkyun is not some random guy, he's my best friend. And who do you think you are to judge where I go and where I sleep, I am a free person I can do whatever the fuck my mind tells me to do."

"No, you're not free, you have a daughter for fuck's sake. You should be a better model for her, or I will take her away from you and tell the judges you are being a bad mother."

"Hhhh, are you kiding me Kim Taehyung, I don't know who's the bad parent here, me who innocently spends time with my best friend. Or you, who forgets every important occasions, sleeps around with girls and comes home drank as fuck." She shouted at me. And I couldn't control myself any longer, I took her wrist and pulling her towards my chest.

"You don't understand, don't accuse me" I mumbled before realising how close our faces were. I looked at her lips and then her eyes seeing as she was staring at my lips too. I crushed my lips into hers  kissing her harshly. She first responded to my kiss, kissing me back as our tongues fought for dominance, however after she realised what we were doing she pushed me away. I resisted her and kept forcing her to kiss me which I knew she will get annoyed by but not to this point.

She pinched my nipples through my shirt which caused me to step away. She slapped me hard on the face and then kicked my balls.

"Ouch" I cried from pain as I fell to the ground, my hands between my tights trying to ease the pain.

"Next time you do this, I will make sure you won't fuck any girl again. So fucking go away and never return. understood?"

I nodded and then got up as the pain eased a bit.

I went out of the house not even able to walk properly. Ouch, why does Hyejin get scary when she's angry?

Changkyun was waiting for me in front of the door alone.

"Where's Yeojun?" I asked him.

"She's with Aunty." I nodded and then went towards my car but he stopped me. "I wanted to do this for the longest time." He said before throwing a fist at my face injuring my chin.

"Have the worst day." He said and then left me in pain.

I should learn to never miss with women again.



Here's another update.

I hope you had a great day today, and wherever you're in the world, know that you matter, you belong, you are beautiful and loved.

Love you all.
Stay strong.

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