Chapter 9

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A/n: Hey guys, so you might be confused why would Jimin tell Taehyung to leave Hyejin. That's why I came to explain things.

Even if Jimin received just hatred from his sister and parents, he cares for his family, he would never want Sehi to suicide, plus he knows that his sister is a whole other level of attention seekers, if dying would make Taehyung care about her then she's ready to die. That's why Jimin asked Taehyung to divorce Hyejin. Plus Sehi can hurt Hyejin or Yeojun or even Taehyung without blanking an eye that's why he saw that the right thing is that Taehyung needs to do what Sehi says.

Please don't blame Jimin or hate on him, he did it with good intentions. He just wants everyone to be safe even if that meant destroying a family...

And please, even if she's the worst person in this story, I hope you'll understand Sehi as well. She's mentally sick, it's beyond her own ability. She will feel incomplete in a way you can't imagine if she doesn't get what she want. Anyways she's just an imaginary character but if you perhaps meet someone in real life who is in the same as Sehi I hope you can understand what they are going through. They always look like villain from our point of vue, but from theirs they are being wronged and subjugated, so please understand them. I am not saying they are right but just a bit of sympathy towards them will work miracles in healing them little by little.

Also, sorry for the late update, I had finals so I was busy studying. I latterly feel like it had been years since I last updated and it's frustrating cause I was forced to reread all the last chapters again just to remember the plan I had in mind for this story. FML.

Narrator's POV:

The girl came towards Taehyung as her smile widened more and more, her heels clicked on the marble floor as she dragged her wedding dress behind her.

"How do I look?" She asked him with a wide smile on her face. Her eyes screaming Happiness and Joy and satisfaction. Her goal was just steps away from her. Her dream was about to become reality.

Her nose was high in the air as she bragged silently to the assistants in the shop about her handsome to-be husband. The latter had been sitting uninterested in a velvety red couch as he answered some emails on his phone totally oblivious about the love twinkling inside Sehi's heart.

His eyes shifted from his phone screen to her pretty face as he noticed her presence. The wedding dress fitted perfectly her body hugging it in the right place and showing all her beautiful curves.

Taehyung was still uninterested by this beauty standing in front of him. Despite being slightly attracted to her feminine shape his heart didn't allowed anyone to steel it. It belonged to only one person.

"So?" She asked again as he haven't answered yet.

His mind was actually reviving some happy memories. He remembered when Hyejin wore a white dress as well, when she stepped into the wedding looking the most beautiful, when she never had any intention to love him or to stay with him forever, and when the plan of having a family didn't even crossed her mind. She looked stunning anyways. He didn't wanted to admit it that day but once he saw her walking towards him he fell in love with her again. He never stoped loving her to be exact, he just remembered his feelings at that time.

"you look good" he said in a monotonous way, deprived from any emotion. Her smile turned into a frown, her expectations crushed harshly, and the assistants mockery laughs that they tried so hard to muffle made her feel insecure. Her mind lingered again on the idea that she's not enough. Not pretty enough for him, not smart enough, not a wife material, not attracting enough. She hated Hyejin for stealing her crush's heart, but she hated herself more for not being better than her.

Maybe if she doesn't exists he'll see me as the one... She thought before Taehyung talking snapping her from thinking of the life threatening plan. "Let's buy this one and go.." She nodded and headed to the changing room to change to her clothes as he pays for the dress.

After half an hour they headed to Taehyung's parents' house.

As they stepped inside the big Mansion, something felt off. The house was surprisingly silent, without forgetting the fact that the door was left widely open.

"Mom, Dad?" Taehyung shouted inside the house waiting for a response but haven't gotten anything.

His anxiousnes grew bigger as he took his phone and dialed his mother's number.

"Mom, where are you? Why is no one home?" He asked the moment she picked the phone.

"T-Taehyungie... Your dad is in the Hospital." She said as she stuttered a bit. Taehyung was at chock, afraid that something happens to his father.

After getting the Hospital name from his Mother, he hurriedly drove away leaving a confused Sehi in the house alone.


At the hospital:

Taehyung hurriedly went to the emergency department of the hospital. His breath was heavy, his arms shaking and his mind lingering on the cruel thought that he'll lose his father.

As he finally saw his mother, sitting on a chair outside the surgery room, he stormed to shake her, eager to know what had happened. His mother stained her face with emotions as she saw her son. Trying to look convincing that she was sad for her Husband...

"Where's dad?" He said in a hurry

"Your Dad is dying Taehyungie" She said as she faked her sadness. Showing fake worry on her face.

The doctor went out of the surgery room as he looked over to Taehyung and his mother.

"Are you his family?" Taehyung nodded eager to know what the doctor would say.

"Your dad has a rare kind of illness and we need one of his descendants to donate a bone marrow to him" Taehyung felt sick suddenly after hearing the doctor's speech.

"I'm his son, can I donate?"

"Yes of course, but we need to make sure the transplant of your marrow won't harm his body"

"Ok, let's do it now" Taehyung said, neglecting all the aftermath effects this transplant could have on his health.


Again, sorry guys for the late update, I had finals and I spent the whole time just studying.

Have a good day/night


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