Chapter 6

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Hyejin's POV:

"Why are u here?" I asked the middle aged woman in front of me.

"I came to talk" mrs Kim said and then threw some photos at me.

"I see the divorce is not enough" she said and I looked at the photos. They were photos of me and Taehyung kissing in my mom's house.

"Hell, are you putting cameras on my mom's house?" I asked, as I looked around the house.

"This is not what's important. The thing that is important is what the fuck are you doing with an engaged man?"

"Woow, he's already engaged? like 3 days after we divorced? I must give him the prize of the man who can't stay single even for a day." I clapped my hands and then looked at her. "And I believe you didn't came just for this?"

"Yes, Lee Hyejin, I came to give you this as well." She put two plane tickets on the table. "Take Yeojun and disappear, we'll give you a house and a job, and I'll also make Taehyung drop the custody over Yeojun."

I let out a muffled laugh gets its way out of my lips. "Woow, I thought this happens just in Movies, are you seriously telling me to leave my life here in Korea, to leave my mother and my friends just to get away from your beloved son?"

"Well, you still have time to think, the flight is next month. and By the way, Taehyung will get married the same day your flight is."

I was chocked, this is really happening. He is really getting remarried to someone else, and I though he'll feel bad about what he has done and return to me and Yeojun.

"Ok, message understood, I will call you when I make a decision." I said and then pointed at the door. "Now please, you can take a leave." Mrs Kim looked at me and smilled that fake smile that I really hate.

"See you soon Hyejin"


"So you're telling me that old woman asked you to travel away?" Changkyun asked me after I told him what happened earlier in my mother's house. "So where was the flight headed to?"

"California "I said

"Omg I was there" he jumped leaving the stearing wheel a bit but then remembered we were in the middle of the road and took it again.
"Yes, I know, I was there too."

"OMG you were in California in High School. I totally forgot. If I knew you were there I would date you right away."

I chuckled and flicked his forehead. " Focus on the road, I don't want to die young."

Narrator's POV:

"So he will get married? You don't think you should too? You know you need someone to take care of Yeojun." Changkyun told Hyejin as they stepped inside the cafe.

"No, thanks Changkyun, I believe I can take care of Yeojun alone." The woman chuckled as she ruffled her friend's hair.

"That's your loss anyways." He said, pouting."So will you go to the US? I can go with you whenever you want."

"I don't know, I don't think I am ready to leave my life here just because he's getting married. I can live happily without even thinking about him so why running away."

The boy nodded his head and then parked his car next to the nursery.

Changkyun and Hyejin went out of the car to take Yeojun.

The kid was talking to a tall man, who had grey hair all over his head. As if in cue, Hyejin and Changkyun shared worried looks and then ran towards the little girl.

"What are you doing here?" Changkyun shouted as he pushed the man away from the girl and protecting her from him. Hyejin held her daughter tightly as she eyed the man worriedly.

"Wooow, am I not supposed to come see my granddaughter?" The old man said.

"Mr Kim, we know exactly that you don't consider Yeojun as your granddaughter so stop your act and tell us what do you want?" Hyejin said and then she wispered on Yeojun's ear and the girl went inside the Kindergarten pretty quickly.

"I never knew you had a body guard" The man said referring to Changkyun.

"Tell her what you want to say and then disappear or my fist will be forever marked on your chin." Changkyun threatened.

"So, I believe my wife already told you this, but we want you out Korea, and outside our lives."

"I am already outside your life and I don't give a damn about you and your stupid family. But I am korean as well and I don't remember the time you bought the country, so if I want to stay here until I die I will do it, no one and especially not you will push me to leave the country where I was born and raised." She sighted " And now excuse me, I have more productive things to do than listen to your stupidity."

She took her friend's wrist and then moved inside the Kindergarten, took her daughter and went away.



Sorry, short chapter. I wanted to tell you thanks for making this story reach more than 1k reads, I am so happy with it. Thanks also for all the supportive messages you left me, it's so valuable and it helped me a lot to cope with depression.

Love you guys. 💜

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