Chapter 11

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Changkyun POV:

I came to Hyejin's house so I can drop Yeojun off.

Yeojun was already sleeping in my arms as I made my way inside the house.

Once I stepped my foot inside, moans filled my ears.

Omg is someone murdering Hyejin? Omg I need to save her and then she'll fall for me just like in movies.

As I approached the sound I saw an unholy sight in front of me. Hyejin, my first love, and Taehyung, my worst enemy, fucking making out.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU BOTH DOING?" I yelled as I put Yeojun to sleep on the couch.

I then looked at the two with anger filling my mind and body, and the will to kill surfacing all my thoughts.

Hyejin pushed Taehyung away as she put a t-shirt to cover her half naked body. I saw bruises all over her neck, jaw line and collar bone which made my hands clench in fists as I punched the Fucking Kim on the face.

My anger was still boiling inside me so I decided to put it all on his face. I punched him thousands times until Hyejin back hugged me, stopping me from hurting him any further.

I pushed myself away, afraid of hurting Hyejin in the process. "You touch her again and it will be the end of you" I threatened him with my red eyes.

Taehyung got up as he dusted his clothes and wiped the blood on his nose and the corner of his lips.

He glared at me and then looked at Hyejin who I hid her behind my back. "Can I take Yeojun now?" He asked her not even caring of my existence which made me more angry.

Hyejin looked at me with her puppy eyes. "Changkyun, Yeojun needs to take some examinations in the hospital and I can't let this guy take her alone. Can I go?" Omg omg omg, it's the first time she asks me before doing anything, OMG and her pout is so cute, it makes me want to kiss her.

But wait I can't let her go with him alone. I need to go with her. However why does Yeojun needs examinations she's all healthy.

"I am going with you" I told her, trying to stay strict and firm.

Relief flowed in my heart when she nodded. Taehyung in the other hand looked jealous of our interaction, his hands turned into fists.

"You go now, I am gonna take Yeojun and Hyejin to the hospital in a little." I told him, fueling his jealousy even more.

He nodded and went outside the house leaving me and Hyejin alone.

Hyejin moved to go change her clothes until I stoped her and made her sit on the couch facing the one where Yeojun slept. "I guess I need an explanation." Her eyes looked at the floor as she played with her fingers silently. I sat next to her and made her face me.

"Do you still love him?" I asked her, afraid of the possibility that she will say 'Yes'. Her eyes started watering, and her tears escaped and stained her cheeks. She nodded a bit and I am not kidding I latterly heard my heart shattering.

I hugged her tightly, trying to ease her pain and ease mine at the same time. "He is an asshole forget about him. He just tries to play with your heart. He doesn't deserve you at all." I told her as I combed her hair with my fingers.

She started to sob harder, making my shirt wet. "Shh don't cry, he doesn't deserve your tears"

After minutes of crying, I told her to go change her clothes which she did. I sat there looking at Yeojun sleeping peacefully oblivious about what's happening in her mother's life.


"So, can you tell me again what's wrong with Yeojun's health that she's taking examinations?" I asked Hyejin as I put Yeojun in the back seat still sleeping.

I went to the driving seat as Hyejin was sitting in the passenger side. "So, I will tell you but don't get mad at me. Ok?" She said and I nodded. "Taehyung's father is sick and he needs to get a bone marrow transplant but Taehyung's doesn't fit" I was shocked by what she said.

"WHAT? ARE YOU GOING TO LET YEOJUN GO UNDER SURGERY FOR THAT ASSHOLE'S FATHER?" I shouted. Wtf is she thinking? She can't put Yeojun's life in danger. I won't let her.

"Just listen. He said he just wants to make sure that Yeojun's doesn't fit too. It's just an examination. I am not stupid to threaten my own daughter's life." As she said that I stopped the car and looked at her.

"We are not going there. I can't let Yeojun take an examination. If you don't care about your daughter I care about her and there's no way I will let that guy harm her." I told her with a strict voice, I then turned the wheel and drove back home which was just 2 minutes away anyways.

Yeojun might not be my own child, but the affection I have towards her is bigger than what her own father can have. Not just because he is a dork and he doesn't even seem to care but also because I have taken care of her so much and spent time with her as I prepared to be her new step-father to the point that I almost believed that I was her real father.

"Changkyun please, we will do just the examination and if it comes positive and he asks me that we do the surgery I will call you right away so you can break his nose." She said as she held my sleeve.

"We are already at home just don't try anymore"

"Oppa~" Did you hear my heart pumping? Cause my beats got faster and messed up when I heard her say this one word in the cutest way possible.

My cheeks flushed red but I still tried to look strict. "Changkyun Oppa!" She said again as She side hugged me.

"Screw it." I said before removing my seat belt and attaching my lips to hers.


Heyoo ladies and gentlemen...

How are you all?

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Fact #2: I have an incurable disease that makes me have symptoms of so many scary other diseases and that's just an illusion that my mind create.

Stay healthy and eat well.
Love you my cute readers. 💜

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