Chapter 26:

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I walked towards my office to see Miss Nam holding her phone and talking to the newpeapers' editors.

"Mr Oh, I know that the newspapers are already out but can you please sell them to us. Tell the suppliers to stop selling them. We'll pay you double what they are worth." She told the editor as her hand was over her forehead. She sighed and then I snatched the phone from her hands and ended the call.

"it's not useful now, the news are out, and in a bit police will get the news." I told her a small sad smile on my face. "However, can you call Mr Park Jimin and his sister here I need to talk to them" I asked her as I sat on my chair holding the newspaper up as I looked at the front page.

A photo of me kissing Taehyung yesterday on the coffee shop was in the center of the newspaper. I sighed as i started reading what the writer said.

Kim Taehyung, CEO of the kim enterprises and husband of Kim Sehi, the CEO of Park enterprises was spotted yesterday by one of our paparazies as he was kissing The CEO of the Lee company, Lee Hyejin. After some background researches done by our journalists we found out that Lee Hyejin is Kim Taehyung's ex-wife. Kim Taehyung and Lee Hyejin had a kid together: Kim Yeojun, but after divorcing,  Lee Hyejin took full custody over Kim Yeojun and they both disappeared after Kim Taehyung's and Lee Hyejin's divorce.

I stopped reading as I heard someone knock on the door. "Come in" I signalled as I put the newspaper on the desk with frustration eating me as I looked at the door.

Jimin made his way inside followed by Sehi who looked at me with a smirk decorating her face. "Are you now ok with me coming to the company after you knew what I can do" Sehi asked making me chuckle and then moved towards me.

"Do you think I am afraid of your stupid moves. If you think that you have the power to send me to jell, I have the power to get myself out of it. And when I come out, you'll have to deal with me next" I warned her as i walked towards Jimin. I glared at him as anger boiled my insides. "And you,  weren't you sorry for us just years ago, what changed your mind? Aren't you Taehyung's bestfriend? You're just helping this bitch when you clearly know that she's psychopath and needs medical attention. Aren't you still angry that she took your position as the ceo? " i asked as i looked at his knuckles turning white. "oh,  I guess she gave you a position at the company so you just decided to turn your back on Taehyung" As I said this his fists clenched tightly and his eyes focused on the ground. "what now? Are you ashamed of what you've done? Don't be, cause I won't forgive you just by seeing you cry in front of me. "

"anyways, this wasn't why I called you both" I continued as I moved to sit on my chair again. "I want to make a deal with both of you" I looked at Jimin first and then smirked as I remembered the news I have heard 2 years ago. He got married and apparently he loves his wife so much, and from what I heard she's 8 months pregnant now. "Jimin first. The deal is simple, you take your sister away from my life and into a mental isle, you'll get the position you want. You may not know this now but my dad owns 20% of the shares of your company which I can move all on your name. And if I am not wrong,  you already have about another 20% of shares which will make you instantly the ceo. If don't help me however, your wife and unborn baby will face the consequences. It'd be really sad to harm a baby that haven't seen even life. Right Jimin? " His eyes were pleading as they widened looking at me with utter shock.

"don't dare touch my family" he warned but I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Someone already touched mine so why wouldn't I dare" I told him as I looked at Sehi. "and now it's your turn sweetie" I continued looking at Sehi who wasn't moved at all from the warnings I gave Jimin.

A year after I gave birth to TaeTae, I heard that Sehi gave birth to a baby too. I was surprised, sad and depressed as I thought of how cruel Taehyung can be for having a baby with that bitch even if he knew what she's done to us. I have been crying every night as I believed that Taehyung moved on and now began a new life with that women and her child. My dad after seeing me depressed and sad decided to dig deeper on the matter. A week later he came to me with a folder full of documents. Sehi bought the child. It wasn't hers nor Taehyung's,  she literally payed a poor family a huge amount in exchange of the baby. How can parents be this cruel to sell their newborn?  "Kim SinHi, what would the world say when they discover that she's not your child. That would be a great reason to make Taehyung divorce you isn't it? "I told her as a smirk was decorating my face.

"w-what are you talking about? SinHi is my daughter"Sehi said stuttering making me chuckle a bit and then return my face into a smirk.

"The money you're sending her real family every month is saying another story. I know what I am talking about Sehi, SinHi is the daughter of a maid that worked in your parents' mansion, we have the testimonials of so many people that the kid is not yours,  so don't try to defend yourself" I warned her, my smirk wiped off as a blank face took over my expressions.

"what do you want? " She asked as she moved towards my desk and banged it hard with her fists.

"Oh, just Taehyung, and you to disappear" I answered as if it was an 2nd grader's question.

"Fuck you" She said lastly before moving outside the office, Jimin following after her before sending me pleading looks. But I am here to take revenge, I am not here to sympathise with him.

They deserve to die.

They deserve to lose their loved ones.

Cause they made me lose who I cared about.

Sehi you'll taste your own medicine soon.

Sorry Taehyung.


A/N: hello guys.

Well the drama begins. Everything will turn into a mess after this so make sure your legs are stuck on the ground. However I'll the fluff and the smut in don't worry.

Love you guys so much ❤

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