Chapter 4

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"Can you marry me?" The boy sitting in front of me said, holding a small red box revealing a shining diamond ring.

"Chill dude, I divorced like 2 days ago and I'll say it again, we're just friends"

"Friendzoned all over again. Ok, I'll make you fall in love with me and then we'll get married and we'll live happily ever after with Yeojun." Changkyun said as he closed the box and shoved it inside his pocket.

"Can I take your order" the waitress said reminding us that we were in the café.

"I'll take a cappuccino and for her a caramel macchiato please" he said and then remembered something "and a strawberry cheesecake" he hurriedly told the waitress as she wrote our order on her book and went away.

Back in middle school when I didn't even knew who Taehyung was, I had a huuuuggeeee crush on Changkyun who just happened to be a year younger than us, but he was in the same grade as me. I used to hang out with him a lot at that time and he considered me as a friend which was pretty annoying considering the feelings I had for him.

One day a friend told me to confess to him which was the dumbest thing I have ever done.

I went to him in the middle of the canteen and told him out loud "Changkyun, I like you, can you date me?" He rejected me, of course, because I was an other little dumb nerd who fell for the school's most popular kid.

Three years ago, on a school's gathering, all my high school and middle school friends gathered in. I met Changkyun there, and since then we hung out a lot, remembering middle school days. He confessed to me one day that he had a crush on me too in middle school but he was shy to accept my confession because he was afraid people will tease him.

"You know, I was dumb when I rejected you back in middle school." He said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You're still dumb now." I responded and he flicked my forehead as I let out an "aish" escape my lips.

The drinks has finally arrived, so I started drinking my caramel Macchiato as I looked at Changkyun's face.

He is handsome, he is successful, he is funny, he loves me. Can't I just fall for him and forget my dumbass ex-husband?

"So, how do you feel?" He asked, concern written on his face.

My eyes started watering, and suddenly an endless amount of tears escaped my eyes and fell diwn my cheeks. "like crap" I managed to respond before finding myself between his arms.

"Do you want me to beat him up?" He asked and I chuckled as I burried my face in his chest, smelling his cologne. I then shook my head slightly as I hid my face more in his chest.

"Can you please package the cheesecake, we are taking it with us." I heard Changkyun said before I felt strong arms escort me to a car.


"So do you want to watch a movie at my house?" He asked as he was driving. I nodded slightly as I looked at the side of his face. If falling for him could be more easier, I would be happy now.

I took my phone and dialed my mother' number.

"Hello darling"
"Hi Omma, can you please take care of Yeojun, I may come a bit late."
"Ok sweety, are you with someone?"
"Yes, I am with Changkyun, don't worry about me" I told her before hunging up.

After arriving to Changkyun's house, I threw myself in the sofa facing the TV screen as I waited for him to put a movie so we can watch it.

"I hope you don't get afraid easily, cause we're watching Annabelle " he said and then came to sit next to me. "Just hug me if you feel scared, I am a real man."He said and I rolled my eyes.

Just 30 minutes in the movie, Changkyun started clinging into me which was super cute. He hid his face with his hands and hid behind my back whenever there was a jump fright and snuggled closer to me closing his eyes every moment.

Changkyun's POV:

The movie ended finally and my heart was all over the place. I thought Hyejin will get afraid as well but she didn't got scared.

I moved a little bit to look at her and I found her deep in sleep. I chuckled at her cute sleeping face and then I kissed her forehead. 


"Lim Changkyun?" a young woman asked as she approached me.

My gaze shifted from my middle school friends to the woman wearing a cute red dress.

"OMG Lee Hyejin?" I was surprised to see my middle school friend right in front of me. I thought she'll forget me after I rejected her in Middle school but she didn't. I stood up and hugged her tightly. "I am so happy to see you after all these years." I said and she smiled.

She sat next to me and I brought her a cup of rose that she rejected.

"So tell me, what happened in school when I went to study abroad" I initiated the conversation and she started recounting some funny moments that happened to her in middle school while I was in the US studying.

After a long talk we exchanged numbers.

"So Hyejin-ahh are you single?" I asked her slightly afraid that she says no, but curious if I still have a chance with my first love or not anymore.

The answer came suddenly, holding a baby in his hands. "No she's not" the tall man said and then gave the baby to Hyejin-ah. I was confused for a bit but then Hyejin talked clearing all my confusion and giving me a heart attack.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Changkyun, this is my husband Kim Taehyung and my daughter kim Yeojun.
Taehyung, this is Lim Changkyun my middle school friend." My heart shattered, broke, got stabbed at the moment she said she has a husband.

Here goes your last chance Changkyun.

I hated my younger self for being so coward to not accept her confession and to loose that one chance because I was "too shy to say yes". Fuck me. I cried internally as I saw the happy family in front of me.

Her husband in the other hand stared daggers into my head. His gaze didn't leave me as he side hugged his wife as a sign that she belongs to him. My heart broke again.

The baby started crying suddenly, and Hyejin looked at her daughter with a tender smile on her face.

"Let's hang out later Changkyun, I need to feed Yeojun." She said and then left me with a bleeding hurt.

End of Flashback.

I tucked Hyejin on my bed before dialing her mother's phone and telling her that she will sleep in my house today and that I'll take her tomorrow home after she wakes up.

Her mother asked me to take care of her which I'll obviously do even without asking me.

Her sleeping face was so angelic that I bowed towards her face and kissed her forehead, I looked at her lips, wishing I could kiss them, but I can't kiss her without her consent, I don't want to force her to love me, I want her to willingly come to me.

"Taehyung..." she mumbled before snuggling on the blanket.



I'm not in a good mood, I feel depressed and empty. Today, a friend had died. Two days ago, my Shinee bias wreaker also left us. I can't stop the dark thoughts from hunting my mind. It's just hard...

Anyways, here's an update, I couldn't stop updating like this, and I needed to do something productive so I can forget what's happening so I started writing.

Have a nice day. Remember to love yourself, cause no one can give you the love you deserve if it's not you.

And if no one told you this today, You're beautiful, you matter, you belong somewhere, and you deserve happiness and love.

Stay strong and don't break. Saranghaeyo

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