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Taehyung's pov:

I sat in the waiting room as I looked at my watch waiting for the doctor to come and tell me what happened.

The doctor came out from the room and looked at me. "are you the father? " the question itself made me tear up.

I shook my head and looked at him "he's gone" I said with a little voice.

"Ok, so you're her guardian? " I nodded and then he looked at me with a serious face "It's a boy,  he's healthy ,but.. " I raised one brow " we couldn't  save the mother. We're sorry" I lowered my gaze as my heart clenched even more. If I just came a bit earlier that day Hyejin will be here, Jimin will be here, Jennie will still be here. They are all gone now, they are all dead..

"Can I see the baby? " i asked slowly and the doctor moved out of the way letting me to go inside the room.

The babies cheek were squishy making me poke them as I smiled slowly at him "Jiminahh" I said slowly as I started to sob quietly. Jimin couldn't even see his son, he couldn't see his wife's last moment. He went away before touching happiness. I held the last piece of Jimin in my hands and hugged the little baby before I turned towards the doctor. "Can I adopt him?" I asked the doctor and he nodded.

"You'll need to fill in some paper forms but because you were close to his parents then it's possible" he explained as I caressed the baby's head. "What will you name him?" the doctor asked looking between me and the baby.

"Jimin. Park Jimin" I answered before putting the baby back to his crib.

5 years later:
Seoul, South Korea:

"Yah Yeojun leave your sister alone" Taehyung shouted as he tried to free his younger daughter's hair from her older sister.

"Appa she's not my sister" Yeojun shouted back as she stormed into her room, closing the door harshly behind her.

Her sobs were all she can hear. She felt alone again, left out and forgotten. Even her father didn't cared about her anymore. He didn't even remembered that today was her mother's death memorial day.

"Noona?" A small voice said from behind her door room. The door opened letting a 5 years old kid enter the room, his teddy bear between his hands. "Noona are you ok?" The boy asked as he caressed the 14 years old's cheeks.

The girl wiped her tears away and smiled at the boy that she grew to adore and consider as a real brother. " Yes Jiminie I am ok. I am just tired" she said lightly making the boy come and hug her.

"My hug will make you less tired. TaeTae said I give the best hugs ever" Jimin said making the older girl chuckle and look at him.

" Minnie your birthday is coming soon, do you want noona to buy you anything?" She asked the little one who just lowered his gaze and shook his head.

"I don't want to celebrate my birthday anymore" he said with a sad tone making Yeojun hold him tighter and rub at his back. "Omma will not be happy if I celebrate in the day of her memorial" he said lightly before tears escaped his eyes.

Yeojun looked at the little one and wiped his tears smiling at him tenderly. "Minnie you're Omma will be happy if you're happy and if your birthday makes you happy than she won't be mad about it" she ruffled his hair and kissed his cheeks.

"YEOJUN I FINALLY SCORED FIRST IN FORTNITE" the door opened harshly letting way for an over excited little Taehyung who scared the crap out of the two.

"TAEHYUNG HOW MANY TIMES I TOLD YOU TO NOT BURST IN MY ROOM LIKE THIS. ARE YOU DUMP?" the older sibling shouted making TaeTae lower his gaze and apologize slowly. "And I need you both to help me prepare for the memorial" she added glaring at Taehyung in case he forgot.

"Which memor ...Ohhh" TaeTae said and then rubbed the back of his head. "Ok, will dad help us?" He asked her but she just shook her head in a sad manner.

"No he is too busy taking care of his daughter " she bitterly said before picking up Jimin and going outside of the room. "But Omma and Jimin's Appa have us and we can take care of their memorial alone" she tried to make the mood more cheerful as she exited her room with one boy in her hands and the other following her closely.

As they arrived to the kitchen they saw the 9 years old girl sitting on the counter as she talked with her father, a smile on her face. "Are you done stealing our father SinHi?" Yeojun said bitterly as she put the little Jimin on his feet " Cause we need to remind him that Omma's and Uncle Jimin's memorial is today in case he forgot" the girl said glaring at her father and SinHi.

SinHi looked taken aback "It's Omma's memorial too" the girl said as she just remembered.

"The only people who deserve memorials are good people. Your mother killed people, split our family and made Jimin orphan. She doesn't deserve a memorial, she deserves to root in hell. That's what bitches deserve" she fired, anger building up in her insides and tears on the verge to spill from her eyes.

"Yeojun your language" Her father warned glaring back at the 14 years old. "Go to your room your grounded for a week until you learn how to talk to your sister" he pointed at her room as he rubbed his temple.

His pitch black hair had some white hairs in between every strand an another. Some wrinkles showed up in the corner of his eyes and his forehead had more lines in it emphasizing his frowny face. Being a single dad with 4 children wasn't an easy job, especially that he tried to not leave any one of them out and treat all of them equally. At first he didn't wanted to give just Yeojun and TaeTae all the attention so he tried to treat Jimin and Sinhi the same way. However, as a teenager now, Yeojun has been more sensible to her father treating Sehi particularly in a good way, Sinhi's mother killed hers so her actions were kind of justifiable.  However, Taehyung knows that Sinhi hasn't done nothing, it's not her fault that Hyejin, Jimin and Jennie lost their lives, so he always tries to stops Yeojun from bullying her younger sister but ends up angering Yeojun even more and thos she became more and more aggressive.

"You always ground me when I haven't done anything. If her mother wasn't a killer then my Omma would have been here with us and Jimin's parents would have taken care of Jimin, but now I can just hate SinHi because whenever I see her I remember my mom and I get angry. It's because of her and her mother that we need to grow up without a mother, and now she's even took our father away from us" Yeojun started crying making Jimin and TaeTae look at her and start crying too.

Taehyung sighed and turned his head away massaging his head, stopping himself from tearing up too. He then moved towards Yeojun and hugged her as Jimin and TaeTae joined tk the hug too. "Sorry princess for angering you. I'll try to pay more attention to you three" he said as he caressed all their hairs, hugging the three and comforting them as they cried.

Inches away, Sinhi was still sitting on the counter looking at her father hugging the three kids as a tear rolled down her eyes. "I don't have a mother too" she whispered slowly.

The end.


A/n: this part officially ended and it's sad as my life but it's ok cause I will write a new book soon.

Love you all and thank you for keeping up with me and Mr.Arrogant book3

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