Chapter 16

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Taehyung was eating a bite of his pancake as he grinned at me. His boxy smile made my heart ease a little bit that he is getting better.

"Should we get married again?" He said out of the blue which made me chock on my orange juice.

"Tae, I don't think it's the right thing to think about now. We should wait until your father recovers and we solve the company's problem, and then we can think of getting married." I told him and his grin turned wider. He nodded his head slowly as he continued staring at me. "Stop staring" as I said these words his grin began to widen even more and he stroke my hair.

"I missed you" Taehyung held my hand in his. "I miss the old times when there was no problem and we lived happily with Yeojun" he cupped my cheek with his big hand.

I smiled too. "I miss you too Taehyung" he shuffled my hair and continued grinning and smiling at me before his phone broke the little happy moment we were emerged in.

"Hello?" Taehyung answered the phone and then after minutes he looked at me with an expression of fear written on his face.

"Sehi? ARE YOU CRAZY LEAVE MY FATHER ALONE" Taehyung got up, making his plate fall in the process and shatter.

"YAAAHH, DON'T FUCKING TOUCH A STRAND OF THEIR HAIR OR I'LL MAKE SURE TO SEND YOU TO HELL" he shouted again. I was sitting silently in my chair, my heart pounding and my breathing slowing. My chest grew tight, suffocating me. I got up from my chair trying to stop the suffocation from killing me but I failed as it just made my vision blurry for an instant and then back to normal when Taehyung ended the call and looked at me with urgency. "We need to go to Yeojun." He stated before taking my wrist in his hand and running towards the door.

Seconds turned into minutes as we were driving towards my mother's house. Everything happened fast and slow at the same time. Going out of the car. Opening the house door. Searching for a living person. Climbing the stairs. Seeing my mom tied up to a bed unconscious and Changkyun beat up laying on the floor unconsciously. Yeojun not being at home.

The informations were registered in my head as unreadable messages. The past 30 minutes repeating itself in my head as form of deja vu. I sat on the floor in front of Changkyun's body as I shook it dangerously. His left eye was red. His cheek was red. The corner of his lips and his nose bleeding. His shirt torn into pieces. A huge cut traveling from his colarbone to the center of his heart scared me.

My eyes stung and tears made appearance. I moved my face towards Changkyun's chest and searched for the slightest hope. None.

His heartbeats were nonexistent, his chest wasn't rising at all, his lips parting as they looked dry and chapped. I chook him again, trying to attach myself to the hope that he's still alive.

"Changkyun stop it, don't do this, it's not funny. Now wake up. I need you Changkyun you can't leave just like this." I said between sobs as I tried to erase the blood dripping from his nose and lips as if to conceal the fact that he was beaten to death.

My eyes travelled from Changkyun's Corps laying in the floor to mom's that was on the bed.

I got up as quickly as possible to her side and cupped her cheek. "Mom, wake up please." my sobs grew bigger and scarier. Hiccups mixed with sobs was all what was heard.

The realisating finally hit me. "Yeojun?" I turned to see Taehyung staying still in front of the scary view in front of him. "Taehyung, Yeojun is not home" I said before whipping my tears and getting up from beside my mom.

"I am going to kill that bitch" I said as I made my way outside the room followed by Taehyung who held my wrist.

"Just stay with them, I'll return Yeojun back home" I shook my head to his request and freed my wrist from his grip.

"I am not letting a monster like her who played with my family go without teaching her a lesson. Just call Jimin and the ambulance to come here and take care of Changkyun and Mom. We need to go take our daughter back." I told him which he seemed reluctant at first but then agreed.

After the ambulance sirens were heard, me and Taehyung went in the speed of light towards the place Sehi texted Taehyung to come to.

It was an old arcades that was closed years ago and that was located in the outskirts of Seoul. Taehyung held my hand for a moment and looked at me with a blank face before we both headed inside the arcades.

Smell of smoke, dirt and women's perfume were mixed together making my insides twitch and made me lightheaded.

"Look at the bitch who came to see her daughter die with her own eyes" a high pitched voice said making my face and Taehyung's search for the source desperately"

"What do you want?" Taehyung said as he approached her. His eyes were red, his knuckles white and his veins popped out of his skin.

"Oppa, you know exactly what I want. I want you. To be only with me" she moved closer to Taehyung and touched his chest seductively "and I want that bitch to disappear from our lives, her and her pitiful daughter." She glared at me as she removed her hand from Taehyung's shirt "Ahh BTW she's been such a pain in the ass. Teach her how to shut the fuck up next time." She glared at me before taking her hand and putting it in front of her mouth. "Ohh excuse me, there wouldn't be a next time for both of you" she giggled childishly making me loose my temper and hold my hand high before slapping her straight to her face.

"You bitch, GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER BACK" I shouted as I moved even closer to her planning to pick a fight with her. However, two set of hand held me back, holding me away from Sehi. I turned around to see 2 well built men, one holding each of my arms.

"Yaaah leave her alone" Taehyung tried to help me but he was held by another man who locked his hands behind his back.

Yeojun suddenly came from behind a curtain, her arms held together with a cord and her lips sealed with a black tape. Taehyung's mom followed her from behind as her heels clicked on the marble floor. My rage was fueled more after I saw my daughter on that state.

"LEAVE HER ALONE" Taehyung shouted.

"YEOJUN don't be scared Omma and Appa will get you out of here" I said as I tried to free myself from the men's grip. I kicked and shuffled but no point at all. Their grips on me were like iron.

Taehyung was kicking that man too, he tried to free himself but it was all useless. "Mom why are you doing this, she's your grandchild" he said after he rested from kicking the man holding him back.

"I am sorry Taehyung, it's for your good." She answered him as she put her hand on Yeojun's shoulder.

"Yaahh DON'T PUT YOUR DIRTY HAND ON HER" I shouted at her, my glare turning more and more scary.

She removed her hand from Yeojun and I looked at my child shaking and tearing up. "Don't worry Yeojun-ahh just close your eyes and everything will be okay" I reassured her as my voice softened more.

She nodded her head and looked at Taehyung who smiled at her.

"Ok so now you sign this" Sehi handed Taehyung papers and a pen. The papers looked like a marriage contract. "You marry me, your dad ,that bitch and her child live. If you don't then everyone dies" she stated. The man holding Taehyung freed him.

Tae held the papers and the pen in his hand and looked at them. He looked back at Yeojun and then at me, then he turned to look at Sehi again. "Where's my dad?" He asked, glaring at Sehi.

"He's inside getting some special treatment because he is sick" she said and looked back at Mrs Kim as they shared some weird looks between them. "This is taking a lot, will you sign please or I will shoot this young girl right here" she took a gun from her purse and then pointed it at Yeojun making my heart beats fasten.

"NOOO YEOJUN, LEAVE HER ALONE" I cried looking at the gun on Yeojun's forehead and then at my daughter who was silently crying and shaking.

I looked at Taehyung who was already looking at me and then I nodded with a sad smile on my face. A tear escaped his eye and then he put the tip of the pen on the paper and signed.


A/n: guys I love you. Sorry for the quality and for the turn of event. A lot of things are coming next.

Love you 💗.

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