Chapter 21:

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His hands sneaked around my waist as he pulled me in a tight hug. His hand travelled to my hair as he caressed it in a slow motion, making my heart beat accelerate with his touch.

"I missed you" he said as he buried his face in the crock of my neck, leaving small kisses there.

"I missed you too" I responded as I grabbed on the sides of his blazer. He broke the hug as he cupped my cheeks with his big hands.

"You didn't even changed, you're still as cute as you always were" he stated making me chuckle slowly and then hit his forearm. "Where's Yeojun? I missed her too" he asked. My smile disappeared and my hands detached from his blazer.

"I am sorry Taehyung..." I started, thinking of a way to tell him. How can a father accept that he can't see his daughter. He can't joke with her, nor play with her anymore. "You can't see her" as I said those words, his eyes looked at me with confusion as he held my shoulders tightly.

"W-what happened to her? Did.. Something happened to her?" He statred as he shook my shoulders again.

"Relax Taehyung. Nothing happened to her. She's safe and sound with my mother. It's just that I don't want to risk their lives anymore so I left them in another country with a lot of bodyguards to keep their side" I explained to him as a sight of relief escaped his plump lips.

He held my wrist and made me sit on the chair in the middle of the coffee shop as he set himself and kept holding my hand stroking it sensually. "Can we go see her?" I shook my head signalling that he can't.

"Sorry Taehyung, as long as we didn't got rid of that Sehi, I am not letting you see her. I can't risk her life again." Nor little Tae's life. I wanted to continue but I remembered that I can't tell him about Tae, he can't know about his existence, not now. "I hope you understand" I continued as I saw his grin turn into a pout but then he tried to smile anyways.

"So, now I guess I need to hear an explanation for what happened earlier" he crossed his arms and rested his back on the chair. I bit my lower lip and then looked straight at his eyes, trying to decide whether to blurt out my plan or not. It's just Taehyung. You can trust him. My inner self scolded me, but my mind couldn't make the decision of telling him everything.

I am afraid. Even if I trust him with my heart and soul, this matter is between me and that bitch and I can't involve Taehyung. I want to take revenge with my own hands and I want Taehyung to stay safe and sound so if anything bad happens to me while dealing with Sehi, at least he can protect the kids.

So I decided to say half of the truth and keep the other half for him to discover later.

"My dad moved the company to me when I went with Yeojun to the US. So I kept working there for the past 5 years and luckily we made more profit than we have expected. My dad suggested that we need to invest in some of the major companies in Korea so I thought it would be better to buy your company's shares. This way, you don't have to fear that Sehi will stop investing in your company anymore because mine is already doing the job. Yeojun is well protected, so I don't have to be afraid of her safety." I said, bitting on the insides of my lips to stop myself from going further. This was enough information for him to know.

He grinned at me again as he held my hands back in his. "Why am I feeling like a princess who just got saved by her prince from the hunted custle?" He questioned as he squeezed my hands lightly and then came to hug me again. "It feels like a dream that you're back" his voice came out muffled as he talked in the crock of my neck.

I'm sorry Taehyung. I am truthfully sorry...

"What the fuck are you doing with my husband?" And here comes the trouble.

Sehi stood behind Taehyung as we broke the hug and then I looked at her, one eyebrow raised, my arms crossed under my chest. "Nothing. We're just recalling memories that someone has destroyed" I commented before moving closer to her and getting my face closer to hers. "Whenever I see this disgusting face of yours I have this urge to beat you up until you die" call me psychopath or whatever. But that what she really deserves: a good beat, an eternity of getting roasted in hell and getting whooped 1000 times before she can finally get washed out from her sins. However, in this game, I was the devil and I wasn't afraid to sin.

"Do you think you're scaring me now? Just because you managed to make some dollars doesn't mean you'll get to have Taehyung. He's mine, get this shit in your mind bitch." She answered back but all what I did was pull out my phone and call my assistant.

"Hi Miss Nam. Please can you send the CEO of Park enterprises a note that we will end every relation with them and pay them any cancellation fee they want, I don't care how much they ask just give them." I ended the call and then I looked at Sehi. "Now it would be kind of you to move your shit out of my company cause I am trying to avoid seeing hoes around my circle"

I moved to grab my purse and then stood in front of Taehyung who was shocked of my courageous side. "See you soon Taehyung" I tiptoed a bit and planted a kiss on his lips before leaving the café with Sehi getting burned by anger and frustration, and Taehyung frozen from shock.

Let the game begin.


A/N: I love this version of Hyejin way better than the old one. I dunno why but I like to make my female characters strong and powerful, not weak and dependant. I guess that's just my extremely feminist side being displayed in my stories.

Anyways. Thank you for reading.

Saranghaeyeo 😘💋💙💚💛💜💓💔💕💖💗💘💝💞💟

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