Chapter 7

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Just imagine it's still Christmas in this story.

Taehyung POV:

"So princess, what do you want daddy to buy you for christmas?" I asked Yeojun as I was driving her to my parent's house. The week ended and now it was my turn to take care of Yeojun.

Hyejin threatened me that if something happens to Yeojun this week, She will kill me. Which I am sure she'll do even if that something is just a paper cut.

"I just want momy and daddy and I to be together again." She said and my heart ached. OMG I feel so bad.

"Any other things?"

"I also wrote a list but that's for santa to buy me not you."

"Ok, give me your list and I will make sure to send it to Santa so he can buy you all what you want."

She took a paper from her pocket and gave it to me. At that time we arrived finally to my parent's house.

"Ok, I'll send it to him today" 

She went out of the car and then I started reading the paper she wrote.

Her handwriting was messy but cute in the same time. She made a lot of mistakes which made it harder for me to read it.

Dear Santa;

I have been a good girl for the whole year. I studied hard at school, I listened to Omma and Appa and I never said any bad words. But lately my dad and mom are fighting which makes me soooooo sad and I always cry when I am in my room alone because I don't want Mom and Dad to separate as my friend's parents did. So, please Santa, can you make Mom and Dad return together and that we start living again as a family. Also, I wrote a list of things you can buy me for Christmas.

Thank you Santa.
From: Kim Yeojun

After I read her letter. I felt like a bad person. I left my family behind me and I am marrying a stuck up b*tch, and all this is my stupid fault because I am incapable of solving work problems without including my family.

I went out of the car and stepped inside the house, greeting the maid.

"Yeojun where are you? Come here so we can decorate the Christmas tree together." I told her and then I felt her tug on my pants.

"I am here, can we start now decorating the tree pweaaasseee?" She begged and I found her cute with all those adorable acts.

I took her in my arms and spun her around. "Of course baby girl we will decorate it now." I kissed her cheek and then headed to the corner of the living room where there was the big tree.

"Oppa can I join?" I heard the annoying voice again, and I turned my face half heartly, angry at my parents who let this woman involve herself in MY life.

"No" I repeated shortly.

"Who is this woman daddy?" Yeojun asked as she pulled my sleeve.

"Oh, it's no one.."

"I am your new mom Yeojun-ahh"

Yeojun looked at me confused and then looked at Sehi. "No, I already have a Mom I don't need a new mom. Plus Omma is prettier." Sehi looked offended after what Yeojun said.

"But your Daddy chose me and not your "pretty" mom" Sehi informed.

"SEHII!" I shouted at her.

Yeojun looked at me with watering eyes. "Appa is this true?" I stood silent as I saw my little girl crying in front of me.

I've been silent for minutes and Yeojun was anticipating a No that never came. I can't lie to her when I know that a month from now Sehi will be living in this house as my wife whether I like it or no .

"You're a bad person Dad, I don't want to see you anymore." Those were her last words before she flew out of the house. I got scared that she runs somewhere and get lost so I followed her.

"I will take her to Hyejin just return I don't think she wants to see you now." I turned to see Jimin smiling at me, pity apparent on his eyes.

I nodded as I saw him run after her.

At least Jimin understands what I am going through and is there to help me out.


A/N: Short chapter. Sorry, but I will try to make others longer.

I am planning to upload regularly every two days, so I will try to write Chapters quickly.

Btw, thanks for 1.2 K reads, it made my day. 💜

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