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I felt hands wrapped around my waist as i shifted comfortably on the bed trying to see the source of this warm. As i opened my eyes slowly i saw Taehyung sleeping next to me, cuddling as always as his body was sticking to mine as if he was a lost baby. I chuckled at his cuteness and then ruffled his hair making him wake up in the process.

"Morning" he said in his morning voice as he hugged me more tightly and lied his head on my chest.

He then took his head away and lied it on the pillow just inches away from my face as he flashed me a boxy smile and kissed my cheek.

"I had a nightmare.." i told him and he frowned holding me in his arms again.

"What was it?" he asked as he burried his face on the crock of my neck.

"I dreamt that we divorced and you started hating me." i said as tears flowed from my eyes again.

"Omma don't cry!"Taehyung said and i frowned separating myself from him.
"Omma wake up" suddenly his voice changed to Yeojun's and that was my cue to wake up to the real nightmare.

I saw Yeojun hugging me as she tried to wipe away my tears. I got up and held her in my arm.

"I just had a sweet dream baby don't worry about me. " she nodded and wrapped her tiny hands around my neck.

"Let's go take a bath" i wipped my tears as I broke the hug and took her in my arms.

After taking a bath, I started preparing breakfast for mom, Yeojun and myself. 
"Hyejin-ahh, someone is wanting you" my mom said from the other side of the house and then I ran to see who it was.

Next to the entrance door I saw my mom frowning talking to someone I couldn't see clearly because they were hiding behind the door.

"Hyejin-ahh?" The man said as he made an appearance inside the house.

"Kim fucking Taehyung what do you think you are doing here?" I said as my hands were trembling, trying my best to hide my emotions.

I wanted to run to him and hug him tightly, never let him go again. But my pride didn't allowed me too. You are not together anymore, he was cheating on you. You're not letting a cheater break your heart all over again. I told myself as I stepped closer to him.

"I need to speak to you of an important matter." He said as his hands were turned into fists.

"Mom, can you leave us alone I guess he has another childish thing to tell me." I said and looked at my mother who sent me a worried look."and please go check on Yeojun"

My mom nodded and made her way inside my room.

I sat on the couch at the living room and Taehyung followed me sitting in the other end of the couch.

"I-I am sorry..."he said and I looked at him with confusion in my eyes.


"I can't tell you, I I just wanted to say sorry for all what I did to you, I have been a bad husband and I admit it..."

I blinked my eyes as I saw Taehyung fidgeting with his fingers, a habit that he always had when he's nervous.

"I don't understand you. Did you come all the way here to say sorry?" I said

"Yes, and to do this one last time..." he moved closer to me and inched his face closer to mine. His lips and mine sealed almost instantly as he kissed me deeper. My hands went to his hair and I started grabbing a handful of it as his tongue explored my mouth.

This is wrong Hyejin, you are not married anymore, this kiss shouldn't exist you shouldn't feel good about it.

I said to myself and then I pushed him away before printing a slap on his face.

"Don't dare touch me again or it's gonna be the end of you." I said as I got up quickly, wiping my lips with the back of my hand. "Now go out, I don't want to see you anymore." I pointed at the door and then he got up, eyes on the floor as he smiled to me one last time with his ever so lovely rectangular smile and then left the house leaving me with thoughts lingering everywhere.

I hate you Taehyung what have you done to my mind.


"Mom I am hungry" Yeojun said as she exited my room followed by my mother. My mom looked at me as if she wanted to read my mind but then shook it off.

"Grandma will give you to eat sweety let your mom rest a bit." She said and then smiled at me.

I got up and went to my room to sleep, dreaming of the day I'll move on.

After some minutes, my phone beeped and I held it and answered.

"Ohhh Hyejin-ahh I heard you're not married anymore?" The boy said over the other line.
"Yes, I am not."

"So are you now up to go to a date?" He asked and I though he'll maybe help me to move on...



Thank you for reading this chapter

In case no one told you this today, you're beautiful, you matter, you deserve whatever you set your heart on and wherever you are in the world you belong somewhere

I love you all ❤

Mr Arrogant » Book 3Where stories live. Discover now