Chapter 19:

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"I need to kill it"  I lastly said making my mom's eyes widen.

"What? Are you serious? I can't leave you do this" she shouted at me as she started shaking my body harshly. "Don't think about that. You don't need Taehyung to raise the baby, I will help you. We can do it together" She hugged me tightly making more tears escape my eyes.

"You'll go to your dad" she said with a straight voice, moving herself away from me. "Just stay in California for a bit, until you give birth. I'll explain to your dad everything so don't worry" she stroked my hair before I shook my head and smiled at her.

"I don't want to go there. I want to stay here in Korea, and stay beside you." I told her but she held my hands on hers.

"I'll come visit you every now and then, and if I find a way, I will move there too, so just think of yours, Yeojun's and the baby's life." I nodded lastly before she engulfed me in a big hug making my cries become harder.


Taehyung's POV:

"Jagi, how are you?" she asked in a cute way making me cringe silently. My mind was with Hyejin and Yeojun. How are they? Are they copping with the pain in the right way?

I know I never liked Changkyun from the first time I saw him. However, I knew how much Hyejin and Yeojun care about him, and I know that it would be hard for them to accept the reality of his death. I don't want them to suffer. But I was the cause of his death, and because of me, Hyejin needs to suffer losing her best friend.

I turned my head to the other side as I was laying on the hospital's bed so I won't see Sehi's disgusting face.

"Don't act this way to me, I am your wife now" she said as she sat next to me in the bed. "My secretary heard that Hyejin bought 2 ticket to the U.S. I guess finally that bitch will go away from our life." As she said that, half of me got relieved that she and Yeojun will be safer in the states, but the other half was aching, thinking of how much distance will be between the both of us.

I didn't reacted, not wanting to make Sehi more jealous. I became afraid of how she deals with her jealousy.

"So, I bought a new house, and it is perfect, I also designed its decor myself. It has a big garden, and I think it will be the perfect place to hold our weeding" She kept blabbering on and on about the house and its decor making me cringe at her words. And, weeding? I didn't even recovered fully from the surgery, how can she think of such a thing.

I kept silent as I heard her endless talk that will never stop by no means.

"Our weeding will be next week, so I am thinking of inviting my college friends.." from all her blabbering, this line was the only thing I have heard. I turned my face towards her side.

"What you've just said?" I asked her, not because I didn't hear what she was talking about, but because I am so confused by why would we get married so quickly.

"Yes the doctor said that you'll get better by the end of this week, so I am already organising our weeding, for next week" I sighed at her words, as a sadness brushed against my mind. It's the end of our love, Hyejin.


Hyejin's POV:

It's not the end of our love, Taehyung. 

I thought, as I held Yeojun's hand in one side, and the small carry on suitcase in the other.

"Will I never see dad again?" Yeojun asked, making my heart ache a bit.
"No sweety, we will come again and meet your dad, it will just take a bit of time." I explained to her and she nodded with a cute smile on her face.

As we boarded the plane, I felt the distance that is separating me from the people I love. I will come back, I promise.


A/n: Short chapter, sorry guys.

Anyways I want to inform you about this new story I am writing. (Lol shameless self-promo) it's called Patina, and it's a story about how 5 crazy friends will meet BTS and go on an adventurous journey with them. It's full of fluff and craziness and stupidity and fantasy and also a bit of action.

I don't want to spoil more, so here's the cover and the description.

The gate opened

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The gate opened. Everyone was standing in front of it, afraid of their next move, ignoring what would happen in the next few seconds. One thing was for sure, It was their last chance to survive.

I hope you like this story.

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