Chapter 8: Part 2

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DISCLAIMER: it's still Jimin's POV, and it's a flashback.


"Taehyung, Jimin can you please stop squealing like high school girls. Yeojun is trying to sleep here." Hyejin said as she brought us some cookies and coffee.

Tae and I nodded as we continued watching the movie. Suddenly Taehyung's phone started ringing and he picked it up and answered.

"Oh, hey dad" he said and then after some seconds he shouted "WHAT?" he hurriedly got up and took his computer as he checked his emails. "Omg I received it. I can't believe they did that" he rubbed his forehead.

"What happened?" I asked him. He turned the laptop to face me and then I saw an email from my sister's new assistant.

(Hello Mr. Kim:

We are sorry to inform you that due to sudden revisions on our budget plan for this year, we decided to cut our investment on your company.
We hope you are okay with our decision.

Lee sonmi
"CEO's assistant at
Park firm")

I looked at Taehyung who was still talking with his father.

"What does she want?" He asked his dad. And then waited a bit for his response. "What the fuck? That's stupid, how can she ask that? Omg we're fucked up." After a couple of swearing and getting angry. Taehyung hanged and got up.
He took his jacket and went running to the door. "Babe, I'll be late, I have something to do at the office" he shouted to Hyejin who got out of Yeojun's room looking confused. I followed Taehyung who already drove away from the porch of the house. I got into my car as well and then drove after him.

A couple of hours later, I found myself infront of my parent's company. Why is he here? I wondered as I stepped inside the company following him.

"Oppa-aaah" I heard my.  sister shout and then I saw her cling in Taehyung's embrace. The later looked disgusted as he pushed her away from him.

"Why have you done that?" He asked her, anger written on his face.

"Well it business thing I can't mix business with my personnel life but if you decide to divorce that whore and marry me then I'll reconsider the relationship between my company and yours." She said as she was holding Taehyung's sleeve playing with it in a cute way.

"Sehi? " I said as I went closer to them. "Why are you doing this to my friend?"

"Well if you were a good big bro and helped me to get Taehyung to marry me, I would have considered leaving you as a CEO and also stopping the relationship between Park entreprises and The Kim Company" I was chocked, not to mention disgusted of my own sister. I already knew she was an attention seeker and she gets anything she wants thanks to my parents always spoiling her. However I never knew she will try to split a happy family just because of a small crush.

"Are you fucking crazy? Come with me NOW." I took her arm and dragged her somewhere else.

"Why are you such a bitch? Do you know that you want to split a happy family? They have a child." I shouted at her as I released her arm afraid of hurting her.

"Well I don't care about the child if its existence a burden for me and Taehyung to live happily then I will kill that fucking child. If he loves his wifey so much so I'll make sure that she disappears too" she said back to me and I was chocked. Memories of our early childhood flushed inside my mind. This is not my beautiful sister that used to caress my cheeks when I'm sick. Not my Sehi that used to come to my room when she can't sleep. She's not the sister in my memory. Not the sweat person I knew before."I might even suicide if that what will make him leave that bitch" when she said that, my heart latterly stopped. My eyes started stinging and my mind went wild with all the thoughts.
"N-no Sehi, he doesn't deserve you, you are beautiful, any guy would want to be with you so don't s- don't end your life for him..." I begged her as I held her hand in mine. "Sehi, Taehyung is not the only-" I said before she took her hand away from mine.

"Stop talking nonsense. I want just Taehyung and I will do anything to get him so stop following me around I don't consider you my brother anyways." And then she left. Every step she took was murdering my existence. Every inch between us was making my heart clench tighter. I hate this feeling. Abandoning. They all left me. First my grandma, and then my parents, and now my sister who I love more that the apple of my eyes.

I collapsed into the floor as I started crying. "WHY?" I shouted. Why does this happen only to me and not to anyone else? Why should I be abandoned by my loved ones? Why? Why?

Taehyung was watching me cry from afar. He sat on the floor next to me, listened to my ranting for hours.

A week later I had a heart to heart talk with Taehyung. We decided that I should start a new company, and that in the same time I will help Taehyung with his.

A year later, my company fell into bankruptcy, I lost everything. Taehyung's company didn't go in the direction we were aiming for. My sister tried to suicide and that's when I asked Tae the thing I would never have imagined I would ask him ever in my life:

"Taehyung please leave Hyejin"

End of Flashback.


Hello beautiful people. So sorry I am late as always. A short chapter but well with finals coming like NEXT WEEK I don't even have time to scratch my head.

Well I know I am sooooo late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAEHYUNGIIIII 사랑해요~ 💓💕💟

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