Chapter 27:

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I walked inside Taehyung's office as I closed the door behind me. He was sitting on his chair, his fingers massaging his head as the tons of newspapers were scattered around his desk. He looked at me as he flashed me a sad smile. "I called a friend of mine in the police station, he said they didn't get an order to file an adultery case yet. But they will eventually get one" he said and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Don't worry, Miss Nam will take care of everything. Meanwhile we need to leave somewhere" My smile got bigger as I put the plane's tickets on top of the newspapers. He frowned his brows in confusion and then held the tickets that made him even more confused.

"New Zealand? Why? "he asked as he held the tickets closer so he can make sure of the destination.

"To see Yeojun and TaeTae" I said lastly, my smile wider and my heart filled with relief.

Taehyung looked at me, disbelieved before he stormed to hug me. "Really? Is it for real? Will I meet them? "he asked as his eyes widened and his lips hung open .

"Yes, we are going, now let's go, the flight will board in an hour" I held his wrist and we exited his office.


Taehyung's POV:

We were both standing in front of a door. Two guards greeted Hyejin and looked at me suspiciously before eventually just shrugging it off and walking to their positions. I was anxious as I followed Hyejin not uttering a single word.

Hyejin opened the door before peaking inside. "Come in" She pulled my wrist when she saw me nervously standing away from the door. She dragged me to the living room and made me sit down before moving upstairs. "I'll bring the kids" she said before leaving me there. I felt awkward and nervous cause it's my first time being in this house and my first time in a long time meeting the kids.

A small creature jumped down the stairs, making his way towards me and then stopping just inches away from me. "Oww, it's that Ajhassi" he said a hint of disappointment on his voice as he looked at me up and down.

"Who's this special person Omma?, tell me please" I heard a girl's voice getting closer before Hyejin answered her.

"You go and see for yourself" with that a 9 years old Yeojun appeared in front of me as her smile suddenly flattered even more.

"Appa" she squealed and then jumped towards me hugging me tightly. "I missed you" she said as her arms hugged my head.

Tears escaped from my eyes as they stained my cheeks. "I missed you too princess." I broke the hug and looked at her all grown up. She was wearing jeans and a red hoodie with Minnie Mouse face on it, too cute and to different than the pink dresses she used to wear 4 years ago. Her hair was taller, reaching her mid-spine as she held it in a ponytail.

"TaeTae come here to meat Appa" Yeojun called her brother who stood away from us, his eyes looking skeptically at me. He moved slowly towards me as Yeojun moved from my embrace and made a way for him.

I got up and looked at Hyejin who smiled sweetly at me encouraging me to move towards my son. I walked a bit towards him as I stood an inch away from him and then bowed down to his level. "Hey TaeTae" I greeted, anxiety getting the hang of me.

His face was still emotionless as he just stared at me and didn't answered. Hyejin moved to save me from this awkward moment  as she rubbed TaeTae's back and smiled at him. "This is your father TaeTae" she explained to him, but he just kept staring at me, somehow with anger and frustration.

He moved steps away, his glare on me as his eyes glistened and some tears escaped from his lids as he just stormed away from us and our into a room.

Hyejin sighed and rubbed her forehead before following him there. And I just stood frozen, not even having a clue about what I should do. "Don't worry dad, he always does like this when he is nervous" Yeojun cheered me up making me look at her and smile.

"So, Princess tell me what have you been doing with Tae Tae and your Omma when I was away? " I asked Yeojun trying to break the uneasiness and the fear I felt.

"Oh,  a lot of things happened " she jumped up and down making me chuckle and then took my hand and told me to sit on the sifa as she started telling me a lot of stories about her,TaeTae and Hyejin.  "So TaeTae was born, and he was so cute and adorable but soon he started to cry every night and it was annoying, I couldn't sleep for nights. Omma even told me to not sleep next to her and I moved to my own room. And it's PINK " she said with excitement, her eyes glistened. "and then after a while, Omma started working at Grandpa's company and we couldn't see her much, but she hired a new babysitter and she's so cute, she is just 22 and her name is Rosé. Rosé Unni used to travel with us whenever we go because TaeTae and I love her sooooo much. She's like our Older sister" she stopped a bit, putting her index and thump on her chin, trying to remember "oh yes, and Rosé has an older brother, his name is Felix and he comes all the time to visit us." she clapped her hands, her smile never leaving her face.

Suddenly, the entrance door opened and a guy peaked inside. "Felix Oppa" Yeojun cheered as she removed her hand from mine and moved towards the guy.

"Hello Yeojun-ahh I missed you" the guy replied back in english as he held Yeojun up and tickled her a bit as she started laughing. "Oh who's this? " the guy, Felix, asked as he looked at me, his smile still plastered on his face.

"This is Appa, his name is Taehyung just like TaeTae" Yeojun answered his question in English too as she got down from his hands and held mine moving me to greet Felix.

The guy's eyebrows frowned as he looked at me with confusion and then he looked down at Yeojun and flashed her a small smile. "Go and tell TaeTae I came" he ruffled her hair and she stormed towards TaeTae's room. Then Felix looked at me "Are you Kim Taehyung? " he asked in korean as his face was blank with no emotion. I nodded a bit, my mind still not understanding how did he knew my full name. "Why did you came back?  Weren't you happy making babies with your new wife? " he asked again in a cool tone as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"what?! " I was confused. How did he knew that I was married?  And babies? Is he perhaps talking about SinHi?

"Sehi and SinHi? Are you now leaving them and moving on like you did to Hyejin and her kids? " His blank face was still intact but his voice looked angry making me question what's his relation with Hyejin and the kids.

"Felix" Hyejin came from TaeTae's room as she warned Felix looking at him with anger "I told you to not dig on Taehyung's life" she warned again. He just sighed and glared at me, his cool stare melting away as his anger was visible.

"Ok, Ok I am not getting involved" he held his hands up and smiled at Hyejin who relaxed a bit. "where's TaeTae? " he asked looking behind Hyejin's back and into TaeTae's room.

"APPA" TaeTae cheered making me turn my face as happiness engulfed me that my son finally called me Appa and not Ajhassi, only to see him running to Felix's embrace and not mine.

He's calling Felix Appa?!


A/N: I am sorry guys I spent a lot of time to update again. I had severe depression for the past month and I needed some time off all social media platforms and all social interaction. I am sorry for keeping you waiting but this was important to my health so I hope you don't mind.

My future updates will also be a bit slower because I have finals in like a month and I am preparing for it.

Btw if you are wondering  Felix is the Stray Kids member. If you don't know stray kids you should go see Helevator or District 9 you'll fall in love instantly.

And about Euphoria who's here crying and pulling their hair away? Cause I am. The MV and the lyrics makes so much sense but in the same time don't make any sense at all and I am not having any sleep cause I am trying to make theories and it's not even working.

Anyways, stay healthy and happy cause life is short, and if no one told you today this, I'll do, You are beautiful, You deserve the best, and You'll be the best ❤❤

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