Bonus Chapter

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A/N: Ok, so everyone was sad because of the ending of the book, so I decided to write a bonus chapter, I know it's short, but the story will be explained better in "Loved" so if you want a happier ending please check out "Loved" I will try to upload more in order to finish the story earlier and make you all happy. A lot of people gave me suggestions of where they want the story to go, and it's hard for me to add your ideas to the story because I still want it to be Angsty but even so, please DM me or comment your ideas and what you want out of the book, I might not follow all your ideas but I will try my best to write the kind of book you want to read. 
Thank you for reading Mr Arrogant Pt3. Burrahae 

Seoul, Korea. 
Korea University hospital. 
2 pm. 

Hyejin's POV: 

Where am I?  

The question popped into my head as I heard random voices mumbling words I don't understand. My body felt weird and a slight headache was creeping into my head as I laid in a bed I can't recognize. The smells were all muted, except for one distinct smell: Lavender and chocolate. The voices that were unclear a moment ago became clear as time went by, making my headache finally ignite and me cursing every living creature on earth. 

"The drug induced coma was supposed to stop last week so why is she still asleep " a voice said. A voice I knew very well but couldn't recognize. I searched in the back of my head for memories to whom this voice belongs, but found nothing but emptiness. 

I opened one eye only to be blinded by the lights that filled the room and closed it again. 

Do I even know what my name is?  

My brain questioned again, making me confused. 

"Please doctor save her" the voice said again, making my heart clench and my headache to worsen. 

It's Taehyung. 

My brain popped the name again on my mind. I searched in my memories for that name but everything was blurry. I saw images and moments playing in front of my eyes but I couldn't understand or touch any of them. They were just pictures scattered in my mind with no story and no meaning.

A hand suddenly grabbed mine making a shiver run down my spine. My heart started its quick palpitations as the warmth of the hand warmed my cold body. 

"I love you Hyejin, please wake up quickly " the voice said with sobs cutting every word. Warm liquid touched the back of my hand and a kiss was placed on top of the place where the liquid fell. 

My heart clenched hard as I fought my paralyze body, trying to wake up and hold his hand back. It's Taehyung, I need to fight for him, I need to survive for him and our kids. However, my body was in its place, refusing to move or show any sign that I am alive. Taehyung spoke again, his voice  shaking terribly as if he was fighting himself against crying. " I need to go check if Jennie is ok, I will come back in a few minutes" he said lastly before his voice disappeared. 

If I only knew that would be the last time I would hear his voice I would have pushed myself more to speak to him, talk to him and show him that I am here and I am still alive.

1 week later: 

I woke up again. What day was it? What time? where was I? where is Taehyung? 
My body still refused to move, so I gave up, waiting for Taehyung to come and talk to me again, but he never came.
I waited again, for a nurse or a doctor to speak, but no one spoke.
I waited, until I heard footsteps coming my way. Moving things around, poking a needle into my skin, then leaving.
I waited some more. 
How much time was I waiting? Hours? Days? Weeks? 
The concept of time flew right by my head and I couldn't remember what was happening or when it was happening. 
I was in and out of consciousness during this entire time, and that's the only fat I know about. 
But this also could be the after life and I didn't realize it yet, this is why Taehyung is not here, maybe I am really dead. 
The footsteps were heard again, and I tried to reach out and move but I still couldn't, but now someone spoke. "I don't know what to do! She's still not awake, we need to take her to a proper hospital" the female voice said in a panicked soft voice. 
Another voice spoke, a more masculine but still soft voice "She'll wake up soon, don't worry, I called a doctor to come here and help her, we don't need to go to the hospital and risk them knowing that she's alive.
Hyejin knew both voices so well and she dug in her memory to see if she could pinpoint faces or names to link to the voices but she couldn't, her memories were so frail that bits and pieces were scattered in her brain but she couldn't link them together. 

"Once she wakes up, we'll help her get back to her life, but for now she needs to stay dead in everyone's head, she can't go back and suffer again, I made her life hell, and I will fix it, even if that costs my own life"

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