Chapter 28:

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Firstly I am so sorry for keeping you waiting for straight up 2months. I just finished finals and I am feeling kind of mentally stable for now so I returned to writing Mr Arrogant. However, I can't promise that I will be uploading chapters regularly cause of my psychological state right now, I'll try my best anyways.
Secondly a looooottt of things happened while I am away and I received a lot of dms and comments but I can't read and answer all of them, so I am so sorry. I hope you enjoy this chapter I added some fluff to it so you can forgive me. 

Hyejin's POV:

"He felt alone, and he really needed a father figure next to him." I started explaining to Taehyung as we watched the two kids sleeping peacefully cuddled in the bed. "Yeojun already had you, she saw you and she knew who her father was, but TaeTae never did. He was confused and sad when he saw other kids have their father next to them but he didn't had anyone. Felix then became the only father figure around him, so he started calling him Dad, and I couldn't tell him no, I felt guilty because I was the cause he couldn't meet his real dad. So I wanted him to feel Loved by a father too, I wanted him to experience what having a father feels like." tears escaped my eyes as I looked at TaeTae, silently cuddling next to his sister as a blanket was wrapped around both of them.

Taehyung moved his palm and wiped my tears with his thump. I looked up at his face to see him crying as well. "Don't cry, I'm here now for them, soon every problem will be solved and we will get together as one family again" Taehyung held me in his arms and hugged me tightly.

I enjoyed his hug. It was warm, full of love. It made me feel cared for, protected by someone. I held his shirt and held him even more tightly as I took in his sweet scent. "Promise me Taehyung... Promise me you'll care for our children and love them whatever happens" I started as my plan crossed my mind again making me feel the guilt build up inside me and destroy me.  "Promise me you'll love me whatever happens" my murmurs were near to unheard as Taehyung just rubbed my back still hugging me tightly.

"I promise Hyejin. I promise all this will be solved. I promise I'll love you for ever and always" he broke the hug and looked at my face. My cheeks were covered with tears, my eyes swollen and red, and my bottom lip between my teeth in a failed attempt to muffle down the ugly sounds of my cries. He kissed my lips softly, calming me instantly as he just pulled me up and dragged me outside of the Yeojun's room. "Let's go before we wake them up" he smiled at me the most caring smile before opening the door to my room, closing it after we successfully made it inside.

He jumped on the bed opening his arms wide for Me and I just followed his lead and lied beside him on the bed, my head resting on his chest and my leg cupping his as I just took in his warmth and scent I missed the most.

"I love you Hyejin" he whispered as he kissed my forehead and I just hummed enjoying his words.

"I love you too Taehyung" I said lastly before we both drifted to sleep, cuddling in each other's arms.


A week later:

Taehyung's POV:

"Appa are superheros real? " TaeTae said as he sat on my lap. His book filled with short children stories between his hands as I just finished reading him a story about a kid who wanted to be a superhero so he can help people in need. 

"Maybe they are, but you don't need superpowers to be a hero you just need to be willing to protect and help others" I explained to him but he just kept staring at the book in his hands.

"Appa are you our superhero? Will you protect us? " TaeTae asked again and then looked at me, his eyes glistening as he eagerly waited for an answer.

"Yes TaeTae-ah I am your hero,  and I'll always protect you, your sister and your mom" he showed me a thumbs up as I said that and then he hugged me.

"Then can I be your Hero too. Can I be like Anpanman and protect you and Nonna and Omma too" As he said that I hugged him even tighter and kissed his cheek.

"Yes little hero, I count on you to protect your Noona and Omma when I am not around ok? "

"Ok Appa. I'll protect them and fight all the bad people who want to harm them" he punched the air with his little fists showing me how he'll fight the bad people.

"Ohhh my little hero is so powerful he'll beat all the bad people down... " I picked him up and started turning as he was between my arms as I made a childish voice as an exaggeration.

The door then opened, unveiling an angry Yeojun who stepped in front of me, her arms closed as she sighed heavily. "Appa, you spend more time with TaeTae than with me. This is unfair. I shouldn't have convinced TaeTae to start talking to you " I put TaeTae down and held her up.

"Is my little princess angry at me? " i kissed her cheek and she just pouted. "Ok princess sorry I've neglected you I will spend more time with you" i then sit down and put her to sit on my tight as TaeTae crawled to sit on my other tight. "Now should we play a game, the three of us? " I suggested and then Yeojun put her thumb and index finger on her chin as if she's thinking.  Then she looked at TaeTae and suddenly chuckled, TaeTae looked at her too and chuckled as well leaving me confused.

"TaeTae let's play" Yeojun said lastly with a chuckle as she jumped on top of me and started tickling me. TaeTae followed her lead and started tickling me too.  Their chuckles filled the room making Hyejin come inside to check on us. 

"Yeojun, TaeTae stop tickling your Appa you need to take a bath now" she said as she tried to muffle her laugh when seeing my situation.

TaeTae jumped from my lap and went to hold Hyejin's hand dragging her towards the bed and making her sit next to me. He then started tickling her too making her chuckle loudly.

I looked at her and smiled as Yeojun continued to tickle me. 

This is my life, next to my children and wife and I need to get this life back.

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