Chapter 15

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Hyejin's POV:
I woke up in a pitch black room. Strong arms were around my waist, hugging me as if there's no tomorrow.

I turned to see Taehyung still sleeping peacefully. His eye bags clearly swallowing under his eyes.

I stared at his face as i recalled what happened last night. I remember him shaking in front me as he told me all what he hid in his heart all this time. He said he never cheated on me, and he will never do. And I believed him.

I feel so selfish for thinking just of my happiness and forgetting to ask him for the reason he changed. Now as i understand what happened more, I feel the pain he must have felt when Yeojun and I left him. I could have endured more, I could have asked around to know what's happening, I could have stoped the pain that he felt get bigger, he could have shared his pain with me and we could have found a solution together. As he hugged me last night and he drifted to sleep in my arms I felt pain brushing my whole body. I hugged him tighter making a promise to myself and to him that I'll stay by his side this time.

I took his hands away from my body as I got up to go prepare breakfast.

I held my hair in a high ponytail as I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to meet nothingness.

2 half empty soju  bottles, one milk bottle, that must be already expired, and some random snacks.

I sighted slowly as I closed the fridge's door and I picked up my coat and wallet. Taehyung's car and house keys were already in my  coat pocket.

I headed outside the house and rode Taehyung's car all the way to the closest convenience store. I bought the ingredients necessary and then headed to pay in the cashier. As I took the money out of my wallet and handed it to the cashier a smile plastered all over my face, a high pitched voice was heard making me frown and turn to look at the nuisance who's standing next to me.

"Is that all the money Taehyung paid you to spend a night with him? I should teach him how to be more generous." The woman said which made my knuckles turn white and my fists more tight and firm.

"Are you really sick of life? Cause if you just keep talking bullshit I'll do you a favor to end your pathetic  life." I said as I tried to calm down. The least I want right now is to pick up a fight in the middle of a convenience store.

Sehi came closer to me as she looked at me up and down "Bitch you better leave Taehyung alone or all who you care about will pay the price in your place." I stayed silent in front of her threat as my mind went to think of Yeojun, my mother and Changkyun . "Who should I start with? Your little boyfriend? What's his name again? Changkyun?" As she said that I let my fist travel all the way to her jaw and then I held her hair tightly making her yelp and cry.

"You touch anyone of them, you'll find me cutting you in pieces. I am not someone who'll sit and watch and I hope you get this inside your stupid mind. If you can kill for Taehyung, I can kill for people who I love too, so if I were you I'll fear for my life." I said as the cashier came and held me back before I kill her then and there.

Sehi looked at me with fear as she smoothed her hair again and escaped. "You'll regret all this, bitch " she spatted before going outside the convenience store.

I paid the cashier and then apologized for the chaos that we've made before going back home.

As I opened the door I met a confused Taehyung who was running all over the house. Once his eyes met mine he came running towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug. "Where have you been? I thought you left again "

I hugged him back and rubbed his back slowly. "I just went to the buy some things Taehyung don't worry " I told him as he eased in my hands. "Now let's go make something to eat" I pushed him away gently and then held his wrist and we both went to the kitchen.

As I emptied the fridge from all the expired and unhealthy food, and loaded it with what I just brought, I started mixing the pancake mix together.

Taehyung was silently sitting in front of the counter as he looked at every move I do.

"Are we back together now?" Taehyung asked out of nowhere which made me shift my attention from the the pancake I was cooking to his face. My hand suddenly slipped and I touched the hot pan which leaded me to burn my finger and yelp in pain.

Taehyung got up quickly and took my hand in his as he put it under the tap and flashed the water. My burn calmed a bit after being washed with the cold liquid. "Be careful next time" Taehyung said as he examined my finger.

"I guess we're back together" I blurted and his eyes shifted from my finger to my face, a wide grin decorating his lips. And with no notice his lips met mine and we both dived into a passionate kiss.


A/n: Hey guys.

I love you. Thanks for all the reads, comments and votes, that made my whole year.


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