Chapter 18

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I sat at the corner of my room as I held my legs towards my chest, my head hunging low. My heart was still aching even after a week from the incident. I couldn't go out, I couldn't take care properly of Yeojun and I couldn't sleep at all. My eye bags were more than huge and the darkness under my eyes was a valid evidence of my extreme exhaustion.

I haven't talked to Taehyung since that day, and the custody over Yeojun was moved to me. She can't see her father anymore, nor play with him, nor spend time with him as they did before. He's gone from her life, and from mine as well.

The door slightly opened, revealing a middle aged man.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I got up and wiped my tears, trying to put on an unbreakable shell to intimidate him.

"I want to talk to you, my wife told me some stories about you and I need to confirm them." As he said those words, my glare pierced through his forehead, and my hands clenched into fists.

"What did she told you? That I slapped her, that I knew about her trying to kill YOU, that I revealed it to Taehyung and she ended up taking revenge by killing my best friend and harming my mother and daughter?" I chuckled at the end of my words, as I tried to stop my trembling body from getting consumed by anger.

"Don't twist words, I know you tried to kill me and blamed it all on her in front of Taehyung just to win his heart again. My wife and Sehi told me everything, and I am not even going to apologize for the way she took revenge, you and your little best friend deserved this treatment, that's what gold diggers get" his words fueled my anger, and I no longer held myself in, so I just went for what my animalistic instincts said. I need to protect who I love.

I held the blade that I tried to end with it my life just minutes ago, and directed it at his neck. My hand no longer trembling, my mind no longer working. I didn't thought of the consequences, all what was swimming in the pool of my thoughts was REVENGE and I need to take it.

"Don't talk about Changkyun like that again, he might not be here now, but I won't let you all go until you taste what Changkyun went through. This is a promise from me, and I never leave my promises without fulfilling them." My hand moved left, moving the blade with it too, and then drops of blood started dripping from his throat. "This is just a small cut, wait for the big ones Mr. Kim" I said as I pushed him outside the room and into the exit of the house. "Now leave" I shouted at him before closing the door harshly on his face and collapsing next to it. My mom looked at me from afar but didn't dared to talk to me or tell me anything, she just left me crying. Maybe crying will relieve my pain.

As I wiped my cheeks and got up, my sight turned black, and I instantly fell in the floor, losing consciousness. The last thing I heard was my Mom's and Yeojun's cries as they tried to save me.


"I guess she has been stressed a lot lately, which is not good for her nor for the baby" I heard a male voice say, as I tried to open my eyes all in adjusting my sight to the extremely bright surrounding.

My head was aching severely as I turned it to see where I am. Yeojun was sleeping on a beige leather couch just inches away from the bed where I was sleeping. My mom was standing in front of a doctor apparently, who was holding some papers in his hands.

I got up from where I was sleeping to understand my surrounding better. I was in a hospital.

My mom looked at me with a sad smile as she approached me and cupped my cheek with her hand. "The doctor has news for you" she said as her sight traveled from my face to my stomach and then to my face again.

"Mrs Lee, Congratulations you're 3 months pregnant" and that was the cue so my world stops. Completely. My confusion was apparent in my face as I questioned this possibility. How can I be pregnant for 3 months and not know about it? Is this even possible. I got my periods at time and I didn't puked nor felt dizzy. I drank a lot of alcohol and I had a serious contact with stress for those months so how in the world can this child even survive.

"It happens sometimes, when you get your periods at time and you don't have any pregnancy symptoms even if you are pregnant." The doctor explained and I sighed. Here goes my pathetic life again. After getting divorced and losing my best friend, here I am holding a baby in my womb who can't even meet his father, and he can't even know about his existence.

The doctor soon disappeared behind the room's door, leaving my thoughts training. I looked at my mom with tear filled eyes. "What should I do?" I asked her, as my tears slipped from both of my eyes and met at the bottom of my chin.

"I need to kill it" I lastly said making my mom's eyes widen.


A/N: I am still crying.

I was supposed to be studying now but I ended up picking my phone and writing this chapter. Lol, my life is a huge mess.

Love you guys, have a good day and thanks for the 5k+ reads. 💜

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