Chapter 8: Part 1

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Narrator's POV:

"Hyejin can you please open the door, I am busy now." I heard my mom say from the kitchen and I stopped my job hunting to go and open the door.

As the door was wide open, I saw Yeojun with a red face, cheeks stained with tears, and heavy breathing. Jimin, Taehyung's best friend, was holding her and rubbing her back.

"Omma, I don't want to see Daddy anymore." Yeojun said as she jumped from Jimin's arms to mine. I looked at Jimin with anger "What did that fuckboy did to her?" I wispered to him and he just put his head down pittying my current situation.

"Appa will leave us, there's a woman in my grandparent's house and she said she will be my new Mommy. Omma I don't want a new Mom I just want you and Dad to be together." Yeojun said with sobs as her voice shook dangerously.

I brought her head down to rest on my shoulder and then kissed her forehead.

"Don't cry Baby everything will be alright just don't think about it too much." I told her as I was rubbing her head and playing with her brown hair.

When she finally stopped sobbing and I felt that she relaxed on my arms. I looked at Jimin with hatred filling my heart towards Taehyung.

"Jimin, please,Can you wait for me in the living room, I will put Yeojun to sleep and come right away. I want to talk to you." I told him as I moved to make my way to my room.

After I made sure that Yeojun was sound asleep and after I explained to Mom what happened, I went to the living room to talk with Jimin, bringing with me some tea.

As I sat down at the opposite couch from Jimin, the man looked at me as he fixed his suit.

"I am sorry Hyejin for all what Taehyung has done to you."

"Thank you for pitying me, but I don't really need you to be sorry"

"My sister is the one who Taehyung will get married to." Jimin said and then lowered his gaze.

I wasn't chocked, at all. His sister, Kim Sohi, my worst enemy, and Taehyung's N°1 fan, was always acting weird whenever Taehyung is around she sent me death glares and told me endless times that she will separate me and Taehyung and she'll take him afterwards which I doubted at that time considering the love that Taehyung and I shared.

"I doubted it. And you don't need to be sorry, I don't care about Taehyung's life now, let him do whatever he likes and marry whoever he wants." I told him as I sipped my tea and he did as well. Then I continued "But I'm really curious about one thing.."

He removed his gaze from the floor to my face. "What's it?"

"What made him change this much?" I asked and Jimin's eyes close, he took a deep breath and then opened his watery eyes.

"It's all because of me.."

Flashback:(2 years ago)

"Dad, like wtf, why are you removing me from the CEO position? Didn't I worked hard enough to satisfy your fucking hunger for money?" I shouted at my dad who was coldly sitting on the turning chair.

"Your sister came back, and will start working tomorrow, she needs a position that is worth of her intelligence" he said without blinking an eye or thinking of how I must feel.

"So was I just a filer for my "sister's" position? Wasn't I worth it enough?" I asked as my fist hit the desk seperating me and my father as hard as I ever hit something.

"Obviously, will I let someone who dropped out of College run my company when there's someone more qualified and more intelligent who actually graduated from an elite university." I felt hurt, he always repeat that my sister is better than me, that she's much more intelligent. I dropped out of university because I needed to take care of my grandmother while her son was carring for his business, her daughter in law giving more time to her beauty and external appearance, and her other grandchild busy studying hard in an "elite" university. When my grandma died, Dad told me that he won't wait another two years for me so I can finish my university degree, so I decided to just start working with no degree. Isn't being born rich enough for me to direct a company?

"I am still wondering if I am your real child or I was just adopted. I hate all of you. I will start my own life without needing any of you or your money." I said lastly as I put my work ID on the desk and made my way out of the office.

"Ohh brother... I see you are giving up your position for your little sister" I heard a voice say and I turned to see Sehi leaning on the door frame of my ex-office and smirking at me.

I looked at her with disgust and then made my way out of the company. Are we even a family?

I took my car and went on a drive to Taehyung's company.

As I opened his office door , I saw him reading some papers as he was wearing black framed round glasses.

"Taehyung, I lost my job..." I told him as soon as he looked at me, and then I collapsed at the floor crying my eyeballs out. "Tae, I miss grandma" I told him as my sobs became more lounder. Taehyung took off his glasses and then came to my side and sat on the floor next to me stroking my back.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly as my cries became more intense.

"My dad decided to give the CEO position that I worked hard for to my childish sister." I said between sobs. "My family is fucked up, no one cares for me and my feelings anymore and the only one who did died." I continued.

"Jimin, just stop crying there's no problem that can't be solved. Just calm down now and then we will think of a solution together. Okay?" He suggested and I nodded as we both got up from the floor and headed to sit on a couch.

Taehyung asked his assistant to bring us Tea and we waited for her to prepare it.

"So can you tell me now what happened, in details?" He asked me and I nodded. I started telling him about my sister returning to Korea after finishing her studies, my dad deciding to give her the whole company and toss me away because I am underqualified, and about my mother who told me to move out of the penthouse so my sister can move in there. Everything was centered around her. She was the smartest one, the cute one, the lovely one. Since we were kid, she used to take all what belongs to me, my toys, my room, my cars, and now even my position at the company.

My parents always told me to stop being jealous because I am older and I should take good care of her. They said she is a girl so she will be obviously treated differently. However, that was harming me little by little.

"That's ok Jimin, everything happens for a reason. It's not the end of the world anyways. Just forget what happened before and start over. That's what your grandma would want to see you do." Taehyung conforted me and I smilled at him. It's so nice to have friends you can relay on. "So, do you have where to sleep tonight?" He asked me and then I remembered that my beloved sister will move in my penthouse today so I shook my head.

"Ok, you can stay in my house for the moment" he said and I was grateful for his help. I hugged him a bro hug.


A/N: so wattpad decided to cut all what I wrote for this chapter in half. And now I have just half of the story. And because I am lazy and I don't really have time to write all the completion of this chapter I'll just upload this one as part 1, and the completion as part 2.


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