Chapter 12

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A/n: Long time no see. Miss you guys.

Narrator's POV:

Yeojun opened her small eyes, exhaustion crawling into her bones. As she examined her surroundings silently she noticed that she's in Changkyun's car which made relaxation from the familiar surrounding flow into her.

Her eyes went on a quest to find a person and here she saw her mother and her Oppa, Changkyun, Kissing. The shock can't be described.

"Omma... Are you getting married to Changkyun Oppa?" Yeojun innocently asked which made her mother's focus turn from her best friend to the kid in the backseat. She looked again at Changkyun asking him to make up an explanation quickly.

"Yes, Yeojun-ah we are getting married" Changkyun blurted in a moment of confusion and then looked at Hyejin as he finally understood what he said.

Hyejin, on the other hand, stayed silent, she couldn't say or think of anything. She just stared at her child with frozen eyes.

Yeojun couldn't understand. Is her mother getting married because her father is getting married too? Aren't her Omma and Appa married in the first place? All that she knew at that time is that having Changkyun Oppa as her second father isn't as bad as having that witch, Sehi, be her step-mother.

"I approve" she said which made both's eyes grow bigger. "I am ok with having Changkyun Oppa as my Appa"

Changkyun started grinning to himself, while Hyejin was still confused about what's happening.

"Ok let's go" Changkyun said as he put his seat belt on and drove away, a smile plastered on his face.


"I am going in with her" Hyejin ordered as she glared at Taehyung, the sweet moment that they shared together just an hour ago long forgotten from her memory. Or so she thought." It's either me or Changkyun oppa" she added again, her glare turning even darker.

"Ok, you go I can't let that man go with my daughter inside the doctor's office." Taehyung responded, glaring at Changkyun.

"Oppa I am going in, please keep an eye on Taehyung's mom, I dunno why she looks suspicious. She might be planning something cruel." Hyejin told Changkyun in a murmur as she acted like she's fixing his tie. This action had two different effects on both men standing next to her. The first one, Changkyun, who was flustered by her sudden closeness, his mind diving again into fantasies. And the second one, Taehyung, who burned in jealousy, clenching his fist tighter as he had an urge to punch the other man.

The woman then went inside holding her daughter's hand.


Changkyun's POV:

I sat in the hospital bunch as I had a staring contest with that asshole. Anger boiling inside me as I remembered seeing Hyejin and him making out.

His mom was sitting in the bunch in front of me as she picked on her nails. A sudden ringtone sounded from her purse which made her get up and go away from us to answer the call. 
I took my wallet out of my pocket as I followed her discretely.

"Yes, I gave him the money. They will say it doesn't fit even if it does." A long moment of silence surfaced before she continued talking. "Yea, Taehyung's marrow fits but I told the doctor to say otherwise. Finally, that old man will die and we can get the company all for us."

I hid behind a wall as my heart skipped a beat. Is she planning on killing her husband? Even if I don't like talking with Taehyung, I need to tell him about it. He deserves to know.

That his own mother is this evil.


A/n: It's a short chapter but I just needed to upload quickly so I won't leave you hanging.

Fact #3: I am in my last year in high school but I don't feel ready for college. So I am so confused right now. I was considering a gap year but my parents disapproved.

Which grade are you in?

Btw, I started this new story yesterday and I'm thinking of uploading it too.

Here's the cover.

Here's the cover

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Bangtan and me. Living together. In their fucking dorm. 

Where a fan gets so lucky. Where a dream comes true. 

Please give "BTS and me" and "Arrogant pt3" more and more love.  

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