Chapter 10

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A/N : Hi! Slight mature content ahead. FML

"I am sorry Mr Kim, but your marrow will cause problems inside your father's metabolism if we transplant it." The doctor said, handing the examination's results to Taehyung."Do you have any sibling or children who can donate their bone marrow?" Taehyung shook his head but then his child came to his mind. 'But I can't risk Yeojun's life. She's still a baby.' He thought as he brushed the idea of letting his daughter go through a surgery. 'However, I can't leave my dad to die'

His eyes started watering as he started shedding tons of tears. It was the first time he felt helpless, he couldn't do anything. Even if the company made bankruptcy he knew there was a slight hope. Even when he lost his wife and daughter he knew there was a slight hope somewhere in this life. He knew he can do something. However now, his hands felt sore and numb. His head was throbbing. His legs shaking. He couldn't do anything. Nothing.

Memories of his Dad playing with him in the garden of his late grandma's house was the only happy memory he had of his Dad but it was the most meaningful, the most memorable, the one that made him get attached more and more to his parents.

Now the person that gave birth to him, the same person who played with him in his grandma's garden was dying and Taehyung couldn't do anything.

The frustration of being incapable took over his whole mind and body so he kicked the wall harshly trying to transfer his anger and frustration to the hard solid in front of him.

'Should I put my daughter's life in danger to save my Dad?'

The question itself felt dangerous inside Taehyung's head. He loved his daughter more than his own self, he can't sacrifice her life. In parallel, he loves his father as well, he can't leave him to die without even trying.

'I'll just try to take her to do examinations. Her marrow must not fit too'

The idea sounded convincing enough. The examinations won't hurt her. He'll just try to relieve his mind that at least he had tried. Right?

The only question that remained on his head was: how can he convince Hyejin?
He sent already Yeojun to Hyejin the other day and so just taking her without her mother's consent can cause him a good beat and other legal consequences. He need to tell Hyejin about it. The idea itself is scary.

So, he just ran outside the Hospital, letting his feets lead him to his decision.


Hyejin's house:

Of course he didn't ran all the way. It's not a Korean Drama. He rode his car to her house. However as he stepped outside the engine, a chill took over his entire body. He knows for sure that he'll step outside of this house with a blue eye, or if Changkyun is there a broken bone too.

Hyejin's POV:

I was alone at home, Mom went to her job and Yeojun was at the kindergarten. Changkyun also had a job to go to so he couldn't spend time with me.

I looked at my resume, empty and meaningless. Except for my education and just one internship there is nothing else captivating about it.

I got rejected from 10 companies already and I started losing faith on the possibility that I can get a job. I guess I need to start my own business.

I went to open the door as I heard someone ringing the bell. I felt excited as I thought that it was maybe Changkyun who came. However as the door was wide open, I saw a face I hate more than anything in life. Kim. Freaking. Taehyung.

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