Chapter 24:

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A/n: The smut starts when you find those emojis 🔞🔞 so if you fell uncomfortable to read it just skip it it wouldn't be important for the understanding of the story.

Hope God forgive my sins and yours. Amen.

He sighed softly and caressed my hand with his thumb "w-when did we....made him? "i blushed madly as I looked at him with wide eyes. "You know we weren't on good terms before divorcing so I am just wondering " he continued and i felt my face heat up more.

"ugh.." i disn't knew how to start and what to say. "i don't know exactly when but i guess it was that one time.. " i started as i felt my ears burn as well "when you came home drank and we fought... " i continued talking as i looked at his face that showed that he remembered.


"Jagiyaa where are you?" Taehyung said between hiccups as he made his way inside the house. The smell of alcohol made me want to throw up as i was sitting on our living room waiting for him as every night. I got up and walked towards him an angry expression on my face and my arms crossed. My blood was boiling inside as i hated seeing him in this state every day. "oh here you are, my beautiful wife" he said as he tried to balance himself walking towards me.
He held my forearm and hugged me tightly chocking me on the process. His smell made me sick so i pushed him away, my face always in the same expression of anger. "where were you all day? " i asked him, slightly hoping he won't lie again and say that it was work.

"it's just work honey" he said which made my anger even bigger as my hand acted on its own and i slapped him hard on the face.

"why are you lying to me? you are coming home completely wasted and you still think i will believe it was just work? How stupid of you" I said lastly as i battled the tears that were about to spill. You can't let him win. You can't let him win. I reminded myself as i walked away from him and to the kitchen wishing that he won't noticed my watery eyes.

I took a cup of water and drank it relieving the anger burning my insides. "Jagiya believe me it was really just work" he said again which made me turn to him and throw the nearest thing that my hand could find at him; which was a glass cup.

Unluckily, the glass didn't hurt him as it hit the wall behind him and shattered into million pieces. He moved towards me as if he turned sober, a smirk on his face. "You need a punishment kitten" he said with his low and raspy voice making me instantly turned on. I can't let him win this time, I can't... I reminded myself again and took a spoon and aimed it at him again. The little object didn't harmed him at all as it just collided with his forearm and simply fell down to the floor.

His movement fowards didn't stopped at all. He was like a tiger going for his prey, and i was the disadvantaged person in this whole fight. "Taehyung, you touch me I will kill you" I warned him as I searched for another thing to throw at him but found just a little harmless napkin and a bunch of knifes and as I obviously didn't wanted to kill my husband I just took the napkin and threw it at him. As the soft surface of the napkin hit his face he started chuckling and then i noticed : there was no fucking space between us anymore.

SMUUUUUUUTTTTT (It's my first time writting smut tho so don't kill me for ruining this art)

He was tall in front of me as his hand reached to hold my waist and his lips smashed against mine. I gasped a bit trying to free myself from his grip but instantly failed as his other hand held both of my wrists behind my back. His tongue was licking my lips asking for an entrance which I didn't grant to him at all. After several attempts of trying to make me open my mouth, Taehyung removed his lips from mine and looked at me with a smirk on his face "You know what i do to disobedient girls? " It wasn't a question it was more of a warning, but being the stubborn person i am I closed my mouth tightly as i looked at him with anger filled eyes.

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