Chapter 29:

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Taehyung's POV:

"Are you sure you can be ok alone? " I asked Hyejin as I watched her pack her suitcase.

"Yes Taehyung, I can take care of myself. I'll just be away for 3 days and I'll come back" I held her waist and made her sit on my lap.

"Is it necessary? I mean can't miss Nam take care of the company? " i pouted as I looked at her, pleading her to stay home.

"but I need to be there, the company is not in its best condition as we're both out of town, plus I need to make sure the rumors about us stopped." she explained which made me pout even harder.

"Then can I go with you? " She shook her head.

"You need to stay with Yeojun and TaeTae and spend more time with them" she smiled a little and then got up to finish packing her suitcase. 

"Omma where are you going? " TaeTae came inside the room, his teddy bear in one hand as he was rubbing his eye with the other. 

Hyejin went towards him and held him as she kissed his cheek. "I have to go to work now. Be a good boy and don't trouble Appa and Noona ok? " TaeTae nodded and then looked at me.

"Appa can you take Noona and I to the playground ?" TaeTae asked as he sat on my lap.

"Not now TaeTae, I need to take your Omma first to the airport " I smoothed his hair that was flying everywhere.

"But Appa I want to go to the playground. Pleaaaase" TaeTae fisted my shirt and started throwing a tantrum.

"Just take the kids to have fun in the playground I can go to the airport alone" Hyejin suggested but I shook my head. I can't let her go alone. "Taehyung I am a grown up woman I am not a high school student anymore, I can take care of myself " I looked at TaeTae who was pouting and my heart softened. Maybe she really can take care of herself.

"Ok but call me before the plane takes off and after you arrive in Seoul, and call me every single hour " I demanded which made Hyejin chuckle as she closed her suitcase and rolled it to the side of the room.

"Ok sir" she joked before picking up TaeTae from my lap. "TaeTae go and wake up your sister" she ordered the little one who went running out of our room. Hyejin went to follow him but I was quick to stop her and close the door with the keys.

I hurriedly pinned her to the door and kissed her harshly. "I'll miss you" I said between the kiss. Her arms turned around my neck as she pushed me closer to her.

I held her tights with my hands as a sign for her to jump which she did, her legs were around my hips making the distance between us inexisting.

"Quickie? " I whispered, a smirk decorating my face.

"I just gave you a blow job in the shower" one of her eyebrows was raised as she tried to push me away, but my grip on her was rock hard.

"That doesn't count, I am horny again, and you'll be away for so long" I fired back as I pouted, kissing her lips to turn her on.

As a response she kissed me as her hand moved to palm my erection through my pajama pants. My kisses went to her neck and then her collarbone as I simultaneously took off her pants.
Hyejin moved to sit on the bed as she took off her shirt looking at me as I took off my clothes too. I hovered over her, continuing to kiss her as she brushed the tip of my cock with her womanhood.

"Ready? " I asked rushed as I feared that one of the kids will come to our room.

She nodded lightly "Fill me in Daddy--ahhh" I quickly trusted inside her making her cover her mouth with her hand so she won't be loud.

Her insides clenched tightly around my cock taking me greatly. Her pussy made squishing sounds as I trusted again and again hearing her moans and getting drunk on them.

I kissed her as I kept trusting inside her so to muffle her moans. After 5 minutes my penis curled inside of her as I felt a warm feeling built up inside my stomach. "Daddy can I cum? " she asked between moans as her fists clenched tightly the white sheets of the bed.

"Yes babygirl cum for daddy" I said as I started sucking on one of her boobs and fiddling with the other in my hand.

"Ahhh" I groined as I trusted onto her one last time making her cum cover my cock as I cummed inside her too filling her insides with my seeds. 

I collapsed on top of her as I kept my cock inside of her. She looked at me and cupped my cheeks pulling me for a kiss. It was sweet and full of love. "I'll miss you too" she said before kissing me again making all types of emotions flood inside me.


A/n: Short chapter this time. I hope you enjoyed the fluff because it'll end soon. The story itself will end soon like after some 2 or 3 chapters.

I am not sure whether I'll start a 4th part for Mr Arrogant or just keep it as a sequel or something. Anyways after you read the next chapters you can vote whether I should continue this story or keep it as it is. 

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