Chapter 23:

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A/n: just to clarify:

TaeTae is for the son
Taehyung is for the father aka V.

"Why?"Was all what he s aid as he held my arm. I yelped a bit as he touched the cut I had earlier from snatching the knife away from Sehi's hand.

He looked at my cut, and concern brushed against his face. He sighed slowly and then held my other hand and pulled me outside the office. "Let's bandage this first and then we'll talk"

I was surprised that he didn't questioned from where I got the cut. Was he there when I fought with sehi? Did he noticed this part of me?

My questions were suddenly stopped when Taehyung opened his car and made me sit in the front seat. "Where do you live?" He asked with a cold tone.

I told him the address of the hotel where I am staying in and he drove us to it.

When I opened my hotel room's door, I went in but he stayed behind. "I will go buy some first aid and come back" and that was all what he said before disappearing from my sight.
I sat on my bed, thoughts hunting my mind. Will he be angry because I didn't told him about his son? Will he hate me because I tried to kill Sehi? Will he notice that I came for revenge? Is he going to leave me? Or will he just take Yeojun and Tae away from me?

My head started to hurt and my cheeks were covered with tears. Then, Taehyung opened the door and I stormed to him and hugged him. "I am sorry Taehyung for not telling you about it, I thought it would hurt you more if you knew that you had a son and you can't be with him. I am so sorry, so incredibly sorry" I told him between my sobs as I burried my face in his chest.

His hand let the plastic bag filled with first aid slip and then he hugged me back, caressing my hair and rubbing soothing circles in my back. "It's ok now, I am not mad at you" he said as his deep voice softened and then he broke the hug and looked at my face before cupping my cheeks in his hands and wipping the tear stains all over my cheeks. He then lightly kissed my lips and then my forehead as he brought me back to his embrace.

He pulled me to sit on the bed as he took the bandages out from the plastic bag and started bandaging my cut. "Next time don't fight with her, i don't want to see you hurting yourself again" he said. He saw us fighting... I looked at him as my tears started to spill again.

"I am sorry Taehyung" i can't promise you anything. 

After my cut was taken care of, Taehyung wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. "Don't cry" he flashed me a small sad smile before caressing my cheeks. "Tell me about the kids, I want to know more about them" i returned his smile and picked up my phone going to the camera roll and showing him pictures of Yeojun and TaeTae. He started squealing when he saw TaeTae's baby photos making me smile at his cuteness.

I started telling him about Yeojun's first day at school and how she was always the first in her class. I showed him videos of TaeTae as he learned to walk and when he said his first word. I also told him about our adventures as we travelled a lot. All this made him happy but i can't neglect the bit of sadness that was hidden behind his smile.

"Whenever Yeojun asked to see you, I'll bribe her with gifts or take her on trips. She's been so naughty so whenever she wants something she'll just say 'if daddy was here... ' and i'll do it for her. TaeTae learned it from her too so he just does the same" i said with a sad smile on my face. "He always says that he wants his dad" as i said those words, Taehyung hugged me again as i heard sobs coming from him.

"Thank you for taking good care of the kids, I wish i can meet them and tell them that their Dad is now here for them" he said between his sobs. I broke the hug and kissed his cheeks.

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