Chapter 25:

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A/n: part 2 of unholy smut.
If you don't want to read it just skip all this until you see the emojis

"Ohh" he said remembering that one time. My cheeks were heating up even more as I moved my gaze from his face to look at the floor. I still remember that night vividly. I looked back at Taehyung who was licking his lips. He stared at me and then at my lips and then at my face again before he moved slowly towards me. I closed my eyes as i felt his lips collide with mine. He licked my lips asking for an entrance and i just opened my mouth for him to discover. He bit my lower lip and then broke the kiss looking at me with hooded eyes before returning to kiss me again this time with more passion and love showing from his kiss. He pushed me down to the bed making me lay as he hovered over me and starting trailing kisses down my neck and back to my lips.

I moaned a bit as i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him more towards me. I was drank on his touch and on his kisses. Taehyung broke the kiss and stared at me in silence.

"I missed you" he said before smashing his lips and mine. His hand tagged on the him of my shirt as i understood what he wanted and removed my blazer followed by my shirt as he removed his clothes too leaving us with just pants on.

His hand moved to touch the back of my bra removing it swiftly before squeezing one of my breasts in his hand. His kisses trailed down my chin to my neck and then my collar bones before arriving at my left nipple capturing it between his lips.

My back arched as i let out some moans escape my lips feeling my panties already wet. His lips left my nipple as his kisses moved down to my stomach and then to my belly button seeing the small bruise on it. His brows frowned and he held his head away as he looked at me with confusion "Where did you get this bruise? " he questioned as i looked down at my tummy seeing the small stitches still visible even after 4 years.

"It was when I gave birth to TaeTae. I fainted and the doctors were obliged to make me go through a surgery so we both live" i explained as i saw his eyes turn to an expression of sadness.

"I am sorry, I wasn't there with you" a tear escaped from his eyes and I held his hand and caressed it smoothly as i wiped his tear.

"It wasn't your fault you didn't even knew about him" I reassured as I kissed him slowly on the lips. He pushed me down again and continued kissing me with a lot of love and care.

His fingers curled on the top of my pants and I removed them remaining in just my panties. He pulled at me and then smiled "You look stunning" He said making me chuckle and then hold his arm and make him fall on the bed as I hovered over him.

"Let's see if you look stunning as well" I said as I pulled his pants away and looked at his growing bulge with anticipation. I licked my lips and then looked at his eyes before capturing his lips in mine. I moved to kiss his perfect jawline and then his neck as he groaned under my touch.

My hand was palming him through his boxers making him throw his head back from pleasure. I then removed my face from his neck stopping myself from getting drunk on his skin.

I took his boxers away from his hips as i looked at his big shaft making appearance. At that moment I realized how sexually frustrated I was during all those past years. I missed Kim Taehyung. Especially in bed.

My hands moved automatically as they curled around his dick. I started moving them up and down making him moan in pleasure.

My tongue moved too towards his member, hungry and eager to taste it for the first time in so many years. I licked the top of his member making it twitch a bit before chuckling and then putting all of him in my mouth.

I felt it in the back of my throat as tears escaped my eyes. I moved him inside my mouth and outside of it as Taehyung's groans became a melody in my ears. "I am cumming" Taehyung warned as I smirked and pumped harder making him shoot his liquid inside my mouth.

Saliva and cum were mixed together on the sides of my mouth,  dripping continuously. Taehyung pulled me closer to him as he wiped the liquid dropping from my mouth with his palms. He turned me around as he stood hovering over me and I gulped looked at his handsome features.

He smirked to me, caressing my cheek and then kissed me harshly. His kisses moved again to my neck as he left hickies all over my neck, collar bones and breasts. He trailed his kisses down to my tummy before skipping to my tights. He opened my legs and slipped my drenched panties off. Before burying his face between my legs.

His tongue was licking at my pussy making me moan harshly. As he inserted his middle finger inside of me a ringtone was heard making him stop a bit and look at his pants on the floor but then shrug it and continue pumping his finger inside of me as I screamed.

I was moaning loudly when my phone started to vibrate. "I need to answer " I told him making him sight a bit and remove his finger from me as I held my phone seeing my assistant's name on it. 

"Hello Miss Nam? " I answered her call trying to stop myself from panting.

"Mrs Lee there's a bad news" she started as my eyebrows frowned. "today's newspapers are all talking about you being on an adultery relationship with Mr Kim" She said and I stood up.

"I am coming now to the office. Prepare all the necessary stuff" I told her as I hung the call and searched for my clothes to wear.

"what's happening" Taehyung asked with a look of concern on his face.

"I think Sehi is... " I stopped a bit as I got a new bra and underwear from the closet. "She's trying to send me to prison"



I am sorry guys for the late update the wifi sucks this days so whenever I want to upload it just doesn't work.

Btw I know I am late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIN YOONGI

Love you guys.

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