Chapter 30:

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Seoul, South Korea.
Hyejin's POV:

A weird feeling. Fear. That's what I feel now. I just called Taehyung and everything is ok, but I still feel weird.

I brushed away the feeling and went inside my office. As soon as I opened the door I saw one of the people I hate the most: PARK Jimin, next to him was a pregnant woman that I guess is his wife. I looked at them skeptically as I raised one of my eyebrows waiting for an explanation.

"We wanted to talk to you" the woman said and smiled at me a warm smile. My heart ached a bit thinking that I used her to threaten Jimin. She must be a nice person. Her hands were posed on her pregnant belly as she looked at Jimin to talk.

"So I told Jennie about what happened 5 years ago because of Sehi and she pushed me here to apologize" Jimin said as he looked down at the floor.

"I'd bow down as an apology but I am pregnant so my husband here will do it" Jennie, I guess her name, said as she threatened her husband with just the look on her eyes.

Jimin sighed as he bowed down on the floor "I am really sorry Hyejin, I know that I was foolish for asking Taehyung to divorce you and for following what sehi wanted even tho I knew she was crazy and she needs medical attention but I was even stupid when I didn't stopped you from going away, I saw Taehyung everyday depressed and lonely without you but I hadn't done anything. I am so sorry Hyejin I am truly regretting all my stupidity" I crawled down and tapped his shoulder. I hated him, I still hate him because he couldn't do anything, he wasn't able to stop his sister. I knew it was a stupid reason to hate on him, but he was Taehyung's bestfriend and also that bitch's brother, he knew about what happened to Taehyung's company, he knew his sister was crazy, he could have just told me beforehand, he could have just took his sister to a therapist before all of this mess started. That might not have changed much but at least he would have tried, I wouldn't hate him now.

"Just get up I already forgave you" I said as I tried to smile at him.

"Really? " he said in excitement as he hugged me.

"Yes but that doesn't mean I don't hate you now. It takes time to forget that you are her brother" I said as I pushed him away from me giving him a playful glare.

He chuckled and we both got up. I looked at his wife and smiled. "Jennie-ssi right? " I asked her.

She nodded and come to hug me. Her baby bump came as a burden between us.

"Now Jimin, you go, I'll talk to Jennie-ssi for a bit and then you can come to take your wife" I told him as I turned and smiled at the woman. Jimin looked between us skeptically until Jennie nodded at his way and then he went out.

"So, how far are you? " I asked her as we both sat on the sofa.

"Almost 9 months now. The doctor predicted that I'll give birth probably next week" I squeaked excitedly as I held her hands.

"OMG So I'll be an ant next week" I began jumping excitedly, happy for her.

She chuckled and then looked at her baby bump. "I am kind of afraid of the whole birth thingy, what if it hurts, what if the baby isn't healthy, what if..? " she fired questions as she looked nervous.

"Don't be nervous, giving birth is hard but once you hold your baby in your hands you'll forget all the pain. Trust me. " I felt like a big sister giving advices and pep talk to her little sister. "You need to walk more in this last phase it will help you a lot in labour I used to go shopping a lot when I was pregnant so I can walk more often" Jennie nodded and then looked at me excited.

"Do you want to go shopping with me after you're done with work? Jimin also tells me he's busy so I don't go much with him" she complained and I smiled at her.

"Of course, let's go right now so we can spend more time together" I suggested and she nodded excitedly.

In The mall:

We were quitting the mall after buying tons of things. I opened the truck in my car to put all our bags in it before I heard Jennie screaming. I closed the truck quickly and run towards her. I saw two men handling her as they picked her up and put her in a car

"Yaahh YOU FUCKARDS LET HER ALONE" I screamed as I tried to stop them but someone put a tissu on my mouth and nose with a smell that made me loose consciousness.

And I went inside darkness.

A/n: so the next chapter is officially the last one.
Spoiler: It will be a sad ending, so I guess I'll need to do another part or just a sequel series for it to make it happy again. 

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