Chapter 31: (Final)

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New Zealand. 2 am.
Taehyung's pov:
I woke up with a heavy feeling in my chest. My heart was pumping at a fast speed making me clench on my chest to stop my heart from pumping that dangerously. I went outside of the room and towards the kitchen to drink water and stop this weird feeling I am feeling.

I took my phone and drank water. I looked through my phone to find a message I wish I never received. 

From Sehi:
If you want Hyejin to live come now to Seoul at your old house. If you don't come in 12 hours she'll be dead.

My heart tightened and my mind couldn't understand what was happening. I took the car keys in hurry as I made my way outside of the house. I stopped in my tracks for a bit as I remembered that I can't keep the kids at home alone. I picked up my phone and called the first person I could thing of.

"Hello? Felix? Can you please come take care of the kids now, I need to go somewhere for a while" as he agreed I quickly went outside and told the guards to let Felix in if he comes and then I took the car towards the airport.

Korea. 8 am.
Jimin's POV
I shouldn't have let her stay with Hyejin. I shouldn't have trusted her.

My cheeks were soaking with my tears as I sat helpless on the police office waiting for 24 hours to end so they can actually report that Jennie has disappeared. I felt helpless as I thought of what could have happened to her. I checked all the hospitals in Seoul to check if she's there but I couldn't find anything about her. I kept staring at nothingness when my phone ringed. I hurriedly picked it up and answered the call without seeing the caller ID.

"Oppa did you missed your wife already? " I heard my sister's voice and I was choked.

"Sehi whatever you're doing stop it now. Jennie is pregnant please don't harm her" i screamed through the phone.

"Oh, I wouldn't have done anything to her if you both stopped helping Hyejin and befriending her behind my back" her voice was scary, full of hate. She's crazy and I could have stopped her craziness but I didn't and now I am paying for chickening around.

"Ok if you want to save her just come to Taehyung's old house. Teahyung might be here in an hour or so too" she hung up leaving me stressed out and scared.

I hurriedly got up and rushed outside of the police office.

Taehyung's old house. 9 am
Narrator's POV:

Hyejin was tied to a chair when she woke up. Cries filled the whole room. Darkness surrounding her.

"Please don't harm my baby. Please" Hyejin heard when she opened her eyes looking at the woman sitting next to her. 

"Jennie?" she questioned, looking at the woman who was covered with blood, sweat and tears. Hyejin looked in front of her to see four well built up men standing next to Sehi who had a gun on her hand. "Sehi? What the fuck are you intending to do again this time?" She screamed at her as Hyejin tried to pull free from the cords keeping her tied into the chair. "LET US GO NOW" Hyejin screamed again trying to break the cords with only her hands but obviously failed.

"Minnie Minnie Minnie Mou who'll die first between you two" Sehi swiped her gun from Hyejin to Jennie and then landed it last on Jennie "OH my dear sister in law will die first" she giggled and then pulled the trigger.

"Jiminie knows that you're here so it will be sad to kill you before he says his last goodbye " she giggled again making Hyejin sick.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BITCH, YOUR PROBLEM IS WITH ME SO LET JENNIE GO AWAY AND DEAL WITH ME" Hyejin screamed anger boiling her insides as she tried to break the cords again. "SHE'S FUCKING PREGNANT WITH YOUR NIECE OR NEPHEW DON'T YOU HAVE A HEART? " Hyejin screamed again feeling her vocal cords hurt. "YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME SO KEEP IT LIKE THAT"

"JENNIE" Jimin came rushing inside the house, a gun between his fingers and tear stains covering his cheeks. As soon as he saw her state he stormed towards her before being pushed away by 2 men.

"Just let him see his wife one last time " Sehi signalled to the men to let Jimin out and they did making the smaller man storm towards his wife.

"Babe are you ok? Do you feel alright? Did they hurt you anywhere?" He started looking at her body examining every part of it in case a cut is visible. Jennie started crying and hugged her husband.

"Jimin I am afraid. Take me out of here please" Jennie said as she hid her face in the crock of Jimin's neck seeking comfort in his hug.

"Shhh baby, I am here I won't let them hurt you. Just close your eyes Ok? " Jimin kissed his wife and closed her eyes with his palm before turning towards his sister and pulling his gun out pulling the trigger and directing it towards her. "Sehi you'll let us all go and then we can talk just me and you and figure out a way to bring Taehyung back to you. Or I'll need to kill my own sister and I won't even regret it" Jimin tried to pull out all his courage to say this. His wife's and his baby's life is now in the line and he can give up anything for them. He can even kill his own sibling for them.

"Ohh my Oppa is getting bold now" Sehi joked as she directed her gun towards Jimin. "But I can't let those two bitches go,  if you want to go then go, I forgave your envolvement with Hyejin just because you're my brother but those two are going to get what they deserve"

"Let them go and keep me here" Hyejin fired back, her glare overpowering her even more.

"No sweety, this pregnant bitch right here has been treating me like a psychopath for so long. She took me to a doctor for crazy people, she gave me some medicines in secret, she made Jimin change his mind and go apologize to you. She's done everything to make me mad so she needs to die" Sehi explained making shivers run down Jennie's body.

"Because you're a psychopath you need to go to the doctor" Jennie fired back and then opened her eyes only to see Sehi firing the bullet and Jimin jumping in front of his wife to protect her. "JIMIN" she screamed as she saw her husband laying on her lap, a bullet on his back taking the life away from him. "Jagi... Wake up" Jennie cried as she shook her husband looking at the bullet in the middle of his back. She put her hand on the wound trying to conceal it as her tears covered her cheeks. "Oppa please... " she cried again, shaking her husband. "Jiminiie wake up Baby please wake up" she started screaming and crying as she hugged Jimin close to her.

Hyejin was shook as she saw Jimin's situation, her heart ached seeing Jennie crying. Suddenly Changkyun came back to her mind. Sehi killed Changkyun and now even Jimin. I can't let her stay alive, I can't let her harm more people even if that will cost my own life. Hyejin got up and fell back down crushing the wooden chair in the process. Her hands hurted as she wounded herself but she didn't cared. All what she cared about was that Sehi needs to die, amd Hyejin will be the person who'll kill her.

She tried to get up but the cords pulled her down again. She tried again with all the force she has which made her snap some cords and wound her wrists. She hurriedly picked up Jimin's gun that fell down on the floor.

She directed the gun towards Sehi but then She saw that her gun was already directed towards her. She closed her eyes thinking of Yeojun and TaeTae, thinking of Taehyung.

I wish you'll take care of the three of you Taehyung. 

She prayed silently and then fired the gun, hearing Sehi's gun fired too.

"HYEJIN" Taehyung's voice was the last thing she's heard before she's gone. 


A/n: I am sorry I am sorry I  am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry. I feel so bad to write such an ending, but hey there will be an epilogue later.

Don't kill me please.

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