New Project

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A/n: This is not an update guys but I just wanted to ask you something.

So I started writing this new book and I don't know if I should publish it or not, just because I have a lot of books that are not finished yet. However this new story speaks a lot about the type of stories I like reading.

Anyways I'll leave the prologue and the description down below and you judge.

Thanks btw.

Story name: Eyes of my prey.


He's a sinner, and she'll be his next sin.
He's a tiger, and ready to make her his prey.
He's ready to sell his soul to the devil to finish his job, so killing her is just a piece of cake.


J3: Jungkook
P1: Jimin

"J3 she's in block 66 heading towards the block 67. Head there now" P1 said over the headset with his usual high pitched voice making the younger man flinch and hold his ear with his palm.

"I know, I know P1, I literally can see her on my GPS device no need to tell me again" J3 responded as he took off his headset and stormed towards his prey. His left hand holding the small screen where he tracked the girl, and his right managing to put his headset on the pocket of his black leather Jacket.

He was nicknamed the black jaguar and he totally lives for this name. His swift moves as he turned from corridor to another inside the huge airport building, his intelligent tactics as he hid behind anything and everything to not get noticed by the police and the security cameras airing the place, and his well built body that allowed him to run faster than the panther himself and to fight like a warrior, were all what made him seem like a real Black jaguar.

His eyes scanned the place as he continued running and hiding, and there he found her. The girl turned her face towards him, an expression of fear plastered all over her face. She run as fast as she could, cursing whoever made her wear the short fushia dress and the long black high heels. Her hand was over her stomach trying to ease the pain she was feeling and not to think of what is inside her. She tried to kick off the high-heels she was wearing so she can run faster, and her act alone made the man following her turn himself into a race car as he run towards her in an almost inhumane speed.

Soon, the girl turned her face towards her follower after successfully taking the painful shoes off, expecting to see him still in the place he was in seconds ago, only to be surprised by a rock hard grip on her upper arm and a piercing glare on her forehead.

"You thought you'd escape?" J3 looked down at his prey, his eyes focusing on her as his breaths were uneven. He was towering over her like an eagle waiting for the right time to snatch his prey and rip it into pieces so he can feed himself. He was ready to cut her into pieces or rip her intestines outside of her body. He was ready to feed her to his dogs. He was ready to kill her. Because as long as the treasure hidden on her stomach is safe, her life is nothing he cares about.

The female looked at his eyes, pleading for freedom, searching in his dark eyes for the hint of sympathy, when she felt that she can't fight back, the pain on her stomach too unbearable for her to kick him and escape. She found nothing in his eyes. All what was in front of her is a machine asked to fulfill its job, a machine that can't sympathize with her, a machine that kills and tortures. There wasn't any human in front of her, there was just a robot with no feelings. She tried to turn him around and kick him in between his legs, but as soon as she held his arm with her little hand and tried to free herself a stinging pain stoped her as she looked at her blood drenched dress. He looked at her pained expression and smirked. "I told you not to try some funny business again but you don't listen" he scolded her making her pain even greater.

She watched him as he picked up his headset and put it on his ears, fixing it so it won't fall and crash. His hands seemed gentle as he pressed the button on the left ear piece, contrasting his tight grip on the girl's forearm.

"Leave me..." She begged in a slight murmur. Her mind imagining her as she kicks his chest and breaks his ribcage, but her body doesn't act, too consumed in pain to care about fighting back. She then swallowed her pride and looked at her enemy with a pleading form "Please.. " Her voice died into nothingness as tears started streaming down her cheeks, meeting at the tip of her chin before falling as one single big drop onto the floor.

The man in the other hand didn't minded her small pleading form as he waited impatiently for his coworker to speak to him. "P1 are you there? " he asked looking at the female who tried to free her arm from his hold but fail. Her other hand went to touch her stomach again as tears started blurring her vision. What did she got herself into? It was supposed to be a one night thing? It was supposed to be her first time? She wasn't planning to get tingled into those people's business, she was just a simple suburban girl anyways. Why was life this cruel to make her go through something bigger than her? Those were the questions roaming her mind as her vision started to darken a bit.

Her head felt cold all of the sudden and her legs felt jiggly and unstable. She looked at the man for one last time as a last tear escaped from her left eye and rolled down towards the tip of her nose.

J3 hurried to hold her waist as he noticed her blacking out before he cursed silently. "Yes, J3 I am here, did you found her? " P1 asked from the other line as he looked at the screen displayed in front of him inside the van. Two dots were on the screen, one green for J3 and one red for their new hostage. The dots were intersecting making P1 conclude that his most trustworthy coworker finished his task already as expected from him.

"Yes, she's with me, and she fainted" he declared as he looked one last time at the girl laying on his arm. He picked her up on his back before running towards his other team mates.

"Tell K1 to prepare the surgery room" he ordered lastly between stiff breaths. 

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