Chapter 20:

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After 4 years:

My heels clicked on the marble floor as I elegantly made my way towards the meeting room. My heart was tightening because of the idea that I am going to meet him again.

It has been 4 years, a whole 4 years of not seeing his face, except for the occasional times when he was the talk of the TV news, or when he was all over the media, but we never met again since we last got separated.

However, now I am coming back. Not only to meet him again, but also to take revenge for my friend's death.

My dad gave me his company where I worked as a CEO for the past 4 years. During this time I accumulated a lot of profit and made my company the first korean company to succeed in an international level. However, as the Lee enterprises made a success in the business world, my plan for revenge got much more clearer, and that what pushed me to comeback to Korea, not as the weak Hyejin, but as the strong woman that will destroy some lives and then take what belongs to her.

I am now inside Taehyung's company, making my way to the meeting room, followed by my assistant and Taehyung's secretary. Before coming here, I bought 20% of the shares in his company, and now I am considered one of the major shareholders who is basically going to take decisions alongside the other major shareholders.

The secretary opened the glass door for me, as I smiled to her and smoothed my light brown dress, holding my black purse tightly in my hand.

As soon as the room was visible in front of me, my eyes quickly began searching for the person I missed the most.

And there I saw him. Sitting in the far end of the round meeting table. His fingers linked together, his lips pursed, his legs were crossed. His eyes were focusing on the glass surface of the table in a boring expression, before shifting to a small fake smile, and then he changed his gaze from the plain transparent glass to my way.

His hands and legs didn't remained crossed for long, cause once his eyes landed at me, his body moved on its own and got up from his place. His eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. His lips started quivering and soon he stormed towards me and engulfed me in a hug.

A lot of people were around us, all the share holders, the directors, the managers, Park Jimin and his sister. I pushed Taehyung away as I held the urge to hug him even longer, and looked at Sehi who got up from her place and moved towards us. She held Taehyung's arm and moved him away from me, before staring daggers into my forehead.

"Why are you here?" She asked me with her scary voice.

I looked at Taehyung and then at Sehi. "I guess you have mistaken me for someone else, I am here as a share holder. I am the CEO for Lee entreprises. Lee. Hye. Jin" I told them as I bowed a bit, putting a fake smile on my face.

"Ohh, Mrs. Lee, I am so sorry for this kind of welcoming, I guess Mr and Mrs Kim have mistaken you for someone else" a middle aged man came to me, holding his hand in front of me as I shook it. "I am Jo Rawon, the financial services manager for the Kim company."

Jo Rawon sent me a warm smile which I returned. "Nice to meet you Mr. Jo"

He pointed at the chair next to Taehyung's. "Come and sit here Mrs. Lee" and I did as he told me, fangirling internally that I got the chance to be this close to Taehyung again.

After some minutes, Taehyung woke up from his daze and went to sit in his chair. His eyes grazed at my skin as he sat slowly on his chair, confused looks painted his face, and questions were filling his eyes.

I nodded a bit to him as a sign that I'll explain everything later, which he returned with his cute magical boxy smile that I missed so much.

"Sorry Mrs Lee, I confused you with another person" Taehyung said as he stretched his hand out. I shook his hand feeling the sparks that emitted from both of our palms as they made contact.

Sehi cleared her throat as she looked at me with hate flushing from her eyes. "Let's start the meeting" she suggested, making me release my hand from Taehyung's grasp.

"I would like you all to meet the new share holder, Mrs Lee. She's the CEO of the first korean company to succeed at globalizing their business. And now she's holding 20% of the shares in Kim enterprises, making her the second biggest share holder after mister Kim Taehyung." Mr. Jo said making me look at my assistant who was sitting behind me and signal to her to follow with the plan.

"I am sorry Mr. Jo, but I need to clarify some misunderstanding." I said as my assistant got up and gave Mr. Jo some documents."My share in the company is not just 20% but actually 37% which makes me the biggest share holder at this company." As I said those words, Taehyung got up and looked at me with wide eyes as if asking for explanation. I just shrugged my shoulders with an innocent expression in my face.

Mr Jo looked at the documents surprised. "Yes, dear share holders. Mrs Lee is the biggest share holder with 37% of shares. 20% of the shares were bought directly from the company, the other 17% were bought from small share holders in the company. Due to this fact, and to our company's system that states that the biggest share holder should be the CEO of the Kim enterprises. I declare Mrs. Lee the new CEO. We need to hold another meeting to discuss this matter more officially." Taehyung, when hearing those words, went to Mr Jo and snatched the documents from his hand.

"WTF is this. How come it happens?" He shook the papers in front of me.

I got up and looked at him as I smiled. "It's your company's system. All what I did was to invest my money here" I tapped his forearm slowly seeing Sehi move from her place in jealousy. "Now, please excuse me, I have another business meeting in half an hour" I moved towards the door, followed by my assistant as we made our way towards the parking lot.

"Miss Nam, can you please send Mr. Taehyung an email to meet me at the cafe near the train station?" I asked my assistant as I sat comfortably at the passenger seat and removed my heels. Miss Nam nodded and took out her laptop as the driver drove us to our next destination.

I'm back. I cheered internally as a small smile made its way to my face.


A/N: GUUUYYYYSSSS I MISSSEEEDDD YOU. I was hella sick this past week so I couldn't upload. Mianhe.

But, I am so excited because I started writing my favorite part of the story. The cute moments and the war between Taehyung and Hyejin and all that stuff was just an appetizer and here's the REALL MEAL. HAHAHAHAHAHA  (I guess you won't realize but I am talking alone like a creapy person and laughing my signature evil laugh as I am writing this. FML)

Anyways guys I hope you like this part and the following parts. And THANK YOU FOR 7K readssss. I am sooo happy.


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