Siriusly_fandoms Presents: Valentine's Day

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Hi everyone! I'm known as @Siriusly_fandoms here on Wattpad, but you can call me Sophie! You may know my books "A Note A Day" and "The Girl Who Read [and the Boy Who Kissed Her]". This is my third time being a part of the Wattpad Block Party, and I am very excited to present my Valentine's Day-themed A Note A Day one shot and a short Q&A. Recently, I've been rewatching The Office, and I thought it would be a cool experiment to write a short story with some of my characters as if they were in The Office. If you haven't seen The Office, you can just overlook the characters . . . It was mostly for my amusement to add them in there. Even if you haven't watched The Office (which I 10/10 recommend), you will still understand what's going on. Also, since Valentine's Day is also coming up, I thought, why not make it Valentine's Day themed? This is just a headcanon, meaning it is not an official piece of Charlotte and Teddy's story, but just a fun little thing I thought you guys would like. 

Valentine's Day

All of the red and white hearts and tacky, cutout Cupids made her heart deflate. It felt like the red was trying to attack her. She was being slowly surrounded by pink clothing, strangled by rose-colored streamers, smothered by pure white balloons . . .

All she needed to do was return one call to a woman asking for Dwight, who hadn't been in the office at that time, fax one last paper, and make forty copies of the paper currently taunting her at her desk. After that, she was done for the day. Michael said she didn't have to go to the Valentine's Day party, thank God. The last thing she wanted to do on a Friday night was watch her co-workers snuggle up close to their partners. No offense to Kevin, Andy, or the others, it just wasn't her favorite pastime. There were other things she would rather do than witness that.

Charlie opened her mouth to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day, but closed it just as fast. They were all chatting it up in the break room, and suddenly they threw their heads back in laughter. They didn't see her leaving.

Charlie sighed and packed up her things for the night, a bag slung over her shoulder. Only a few months left. After it's all over, they'll have a small wedding, move to a suburban neighborhood, have the fenced-off, pale blue, squat house sat in the middle of a cul-de-sac. She would be working tirelessly on a short novel in the office adjacent to their room, and he would be teaching art at the high school around the corner. It would be perfect, just the two of them, together. Charlotte knew the distance would be hard, but it was just days like this that crushed her spirit just a little bit.

Of course, they FaceTimed and Skyped and called each other all of the time, but it still wasn't the same as being face to face with him. She could really use one of his Deluxe Teddy Hugs right now.

He was getting through art school with flying colors. Teddy always gave her the latest update on the compliments his teacher gave him. Last call, it was that the watercolor he painted of the stars really "showed the depth of our infinite world" and how we are just "waste products in the sublimity of this planet". Charlie made a note of that one.

"Hey, hey — leaving so soon?" Michael questioned, tapping his fist on Charlotte's desk.

"Yeah, uh," she fumbled around, shuffling some papers. "You- you said I could leave early, remember?"

"Yes, yes I did say that . . ." Michael sighed. "Fine, fine. But we're going to miss you, Charlotte."

She smiled, a strand of her hair falling into her face. "Thanks. Well, I'll see you around."

Charlotte pushed in her chair and stood up, giving Michael a small grin and a nod before walking out of the office, the fresh air hitting her face. She swung open her car door and threw her bag onto the passenger's seat, pulling out her phone. She clicked on his name and heard the ringing. It went to voicemail.

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