Laia233 Presents: "Interview/Kidnapping, Baby"

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"Interview/Kidnapping, Baby" by Laia233

You are in your bed, reading this when you hear a strange noise. It's eerily like.. shuffling.

Suddenly, something curls around your waist and drags you backwards. You don't have the time to scream before it has smashed you against the wall, there's a tickling sensation and you go through it.

You find yourself in a strange studio filled with computers, screens and gadgets. Plants too. There's a pine-tree in the middle of the room and quills growing out of its branches. Words keep writing themselves on its bark. The label placed on its roots says: Readers Thoughts.

Gasping, you turn around to face your kidnapper only to find a giant semicolon melting through the pastel pink wall. It tilts its dot at you in greetings before it disappears completely.

Oh my God, what the heck did I smoke, one of your personalities thinks.

You hear a cackling only a Wicked witch would make and whirl around to find a strange, deranged-looking woman sitting on a chair in front of one of the giant screens placed on the pink walls.

She's in Bugs Bunny PJ's and her hair is up in a messy bun. Unfinished manuscripts are loitered all over her desk – and merch mugs filled with either coffee or tea. "Author" is tattooed on her forehead, perhaps for the convenience of the true one. Pizza sauce is smeared on her chin, you notice with a hint of disgust.

She offers a welcoming smile and gets up, leading you to a giant computer in the corner. You are largely disturbed by what is displayed in it.

A room full of people staring at their phones, reading. They don't seem to be aware of what's happening around them. Most of them have one hand stuck in a jar of Nutella or some other unhealthy food. The thing is: They are merely projections. Their actual surroundings — bedroom, bus, shower — are semi-transparent.

"What is this?" you ask, lower lip trembling. Another personality of yours demands to be let free.

The Author smirks. "My readers," she says and before you can scream, she pushes you in the screen.

You are reading again.


Good evening, everyone! This your host Laia DJ, author of Zora: The Veil, and we will be interviewing two very dangerous bitches! Feel free to send in questions, we will be forcing them to answer!

And this is my bodyguard, Anne.

And this is my bodyguard, Anne

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"Nothing lasts forever."

(Excuse me?! Anne?! Anne, where are you going--)

You are all here to see a fantastical thing take place. No, it's not Rhysand in his underwear Becky — or maybe MB —, don't be gross! *winks* (Soon... *whisper*s)

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