allyrwilliams Presents: FWH Foreword (Eli's POV)

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For days, weeks even, I hadn't been in a party mood.

My brain felt like a mush of emotions and thoughts that I can't seem to sort through, which has pushed me to lock myself away in the comfort of my bedroom. Either that or I would obsessively hover around the Baxter house in hopes of seeing her.

It needs to stop. I can't help but wonder what Noah would do if he could take a peek in my head and see the thoughts I have about his little sister. Would he kill me? Disown me as his best friend? Or maybe support my feelings for her?

Don't be ridiculous. Of course he wouldn't be the ultimate plot twist and encourage the idea of Sage and I together, even though I wish that was the case. But, first I'd have to overcome being a coward by just observing her from a distance like a fucking weirdo and pursue something real.

Noah has been more than suspicious -- concerned -- my subconscious corrects, about my behavior lately. He took the opportunity of his parents being out of town for their wedding anniversary to throw a party, and forced me to attend.

I would have been over his house anyway, but the thought of a party didn't appeal to me like it used to. Especially since I knew Sage wouldn't show her face at something like this. But her brother is relentless, even more so since he's noticed my usual uplifting personality is down in the dumps.

Normally I'd be all about going to every single party that was thrown, it didn't matter. As long as I could get wasted and hook up with any girl who was willing, it was a good time. It was a way for me to push that cute blonde haired girl to the back of my mind, so I could forget about how badly I wanted it to be her by my side, hand clutched in mine so I could show her off to the world.

"Do you want another beer, baby?" The nasally voice of a brunette perched on Noah's lap floated around and I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes.

He's lying not only to himself but everyone who cares about him. If he thinks he's fooling me, then he's dead wrong. I can see the way it sickens him to wrap his arms around her lithe waist, and the wince he tries to disguise when she plants her lips on his.

It's nothing serious, just another hook up, but I've noticed over the years how I'm not the only one using girls to hide my true wants. And I want nothing more than for him to feel comfortable enough to share his true sexuality with me, even though he continues to hide it.

The way he looks at his sisters best friend, Jordan, could make anyone melt on the spot, and I have to admit; it's utterly adorable. Noah is like my brother, and just want him happy...

Maybe one day.

I'm not going to push him, I'll give him the time to sort it out. But to aid the awkwardness I crack a joke, "If you're offering, I'll take one too." I playfully wink at the girl, the lot of us erupting in laughter as she scowls in embarrassment.

Noah offers me a thankful smile and my lip twitches, sending him a nod. I'll always have your back bud, doesn't matter who you love.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Owen hastily rise from his seat, heading towards the kitchen.

Wondering where the hell he's going I try to follow his movements but I'm interrupted due to a slight slap on my arm by the girl on my lap. Her brown eyes narrow in on my face, overly glossed lips twisted down in a frown.

"Don't be rude, Eli." Sabrina scolds, shaking her head before taking a swig of her drink.

I sigh, wanting nothing more than for her to not be in my line of vision. I don't want her here, on my lap, or anywhere near me, I just want Sage. But I couldn't have Noah prying anymore than he already has, and this seemed to be the best decoy.

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