Tales from the Vale: The Knight's Code
Skirting the large forest, Ranald and Theobald crossed the green pasturelands. They hoped to make camp before the sun set. The two knights had completed their mission and now rode home towards the castle of Evenmoore. Their king, Malin Thorne, chose them specifically to deliver the message to the outlying region of Andairs, an annexed kingdom, who was now under Evenmoore's sovereignty and authority. Diplomats they weren't, but upon occasion they did what was required of them. They had enjoyed their visit to the remote Andairs for the past week but couldn't wait to get home.
"Cutting through the forest would bring us out closer to the main road into Evenmoore," Theobald reminded Ranald for about the tenth time over the past couple hours.
"Yes, but if we stay on this route, we'll come across a little tavern soon. It's not far off our path." Ranald smiled at his brother-in-arms, giving him a cheeky grin to which the more serious knight only frowned deeper.
"Do I even want to know how you know the location of every tavern and inn between here and Evenmoore?"
"It's called a plan, Theo. Always have a plan."
"Sounds like if we go with your plan we'd be a bit too inebriated to make it back home."
"Oh, we'd make it home. I don't know when, but we'd make it there eventually," Ranald laughed. The two knights had grown up in the castle with Malin and his brother. They were as close as brothers but complete opposites in every way. Where Ranald was easy-going, Theo could make grown men doubt their resolve with one stern look. Both men were as loyal as they came in dealings with their king though. Rethinking his plans, Ranald took off towards the thick copse of trees south of their current location.
"This is not a race," Theobald called out to the dark-haired knight riding full speed towards the trees he'd been eyeing all day. Shaking his head, he did the only thing he could. Spurring his horse forward, Theo rode after his friend. Despite Ranald being the cause for most all his aggravations in life, Theo couldn't help but chase after him just like he'd been doing since childhood when they used to run across the castle grounds and get into all manner of mischief. Usually, caused by Ranald now that he thought back on it with a wry grin tugging at his lips.
The two men slowed as they entered the darkened forest. Soft light from the sun lowering in the evening sky filtered through the trees. Shadows flitted across the forest floor, but the broad-shouldered knight knew they still had a good hour or two before needing to make camp. They could trim off quite a bit of distance in that time. He knew Ranald was always up for a good adventure but all he was thinking about was getting back to his quarters, his bed and his routine.
It wasn't like he wasn't used to missions, just last year they had traveled to the fae lands through the stepping gate to help their now queen, Riven, before she and Malin married. He was used to the life of a warrior but that didn't mean he didn't like the quiet times of his life as well. Ranald's chatter interrupted his musings. The man never stopped talking, Theobald thought with a slight shake of his head. But he listened as they rode on, making good time despite the lowering sun.
An hour later found them deeper in the woods, close to stopping for the night. Both men were scouting for the perfect spot to set up camp when they heard the scream. A tingle ran down Theo's spine as Ranald stiffened in his saddle next to him.
"Did you hear that?" Ranald whispered.
"It was hard not to."
"Shhh! Not so loud," Ranald hushed the man beside him.

Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition III
RandomWelcome to the Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition III! Round FIVE of this popular event is coming your way the entire month of February 2017 and it's going to be epic! The invites have started to roll out and everyone from your all time favo...