Firstly, I would like to take a moment to say a big thank you to the lovely kellyanneblount for not only featuring me in the Block Party, but for also allowing me to work with her and other big Wattpad names on the Snow anthology, which will be published soon. It's been months and months behind the scenes with an incredible amount of work that's gone into this brilliant collection from everyone involved. I know you're all just going to love it. I've read nearly every story five times now. So thank you to my editing group for allowing me to work with you (and sometimes torture you). You wouldn't believe how hard these people work. You are all a dream come true.
Secondly, my contribution to Snow would not have been possible without the help and edits from missywillman and lucyface. I thank you both so much for your support in shredding, rebuilding and making my story a reality. You ladies are amazing, and I would be lost without you.
And lastly, to my loving, patient and completely understanding family. The work I've been doing has had the potential to drive us all crazy, but I have good people at home who look after me, make sure I eat, and indulge my insane perfectionism. I couldn't do this without you.
The following is a sample from my story Sober, which will be available for purchase online in March along with other fantastic stories. The first part has already been published on my profile, but this is the continuation of the sample (and it is the clean version minus the swear words for the Block Party—you all know me).
I hope you all enjoy!
A memory has manifested in front of me and I can't quite believe it.
I'm asking myself what he's doing here—here in the bar where I work. It isn't a coincidence. It can't be.
The edges of my mind blur into numbness. It becomes an effort to keep standing.
My head tears itself apart, spinning in a thousand directions: run, bolt, sprint—hide. Hide, hide, hide.
Years. It's been years since I saw him. Jet-black hair with dark eyes that know everything, he still looks the same. His tanned skin is out of place against the white snow outside. I wonder where he's come from, what places he traveled to since we called it off.
No. I don't care about those things. Not anymore.
His eyes meet mine, and I resist the urge to step back. He walks to me—prowls to me—and I have no saliva left to swallow as he takes a seat. The bar doesn't put enough space between us. My hands begin to tingle as if my blood supply is cutting off. I feel it building in my throat—the emotion, the words. It's stupid and we're in public, but I'm about to choke on my own, uncontrollable childishness.
I need to hold myself together—but what is he doing here?
"Danielle," he purrs, his voice crawling under my skin.
It kills me to force a smile. "Mr. Hirano, it's ... been a long time."
His mouth tilts into a smirk. "It has."
The sounds of the bar fill what lies unspoken between us; the crash of balls on the billiard table, the clink of glasses, the scrape of stools against the wooden flooring, the chatter of patrons oblivious to my personal firestorm.
I lower my eyes. "Why are you here?"
"I just came back from Japan."
In the polished timber bar, my murky reflection watches back at me. "And you came here?"

Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition III
RandomWelcome to the Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition III! Round FIVE of this popular event is coming your way the entire month of February 2017 and it's going to be epic! The invites have started to roll out and everyone from your all time favo...