Turning the Tables: Characters Interview the Author
Hi everyone!
My name is Kristi, also known as @kristimcm on Wattpad or @unrealismbooks on Twitter. I've been writing on Wattpad since 2014, and write primarily One Direction (Harry Styles) AU fanfiction, but have dabbled in fantasy/paranormal and general fiction as well. This is my second Wattpad Block Party and I can't thank Kelly Anne enough for including me in this adventure yet again!
Last time for the WBP, I decided to do an interview with Harry and Lane from my popular Afterlife series. After ending the series, so many readers wanted to know how things continued with these characters, and how their lives had changed. I loved writing the feature, and found that readers enjoyed the tidbits to their future that the article provided.
This time around, I'm going for something a little different. I admittedly nicked the idea from Shaun Allan (soz, Shaun) but thought it was absolutely brilliant. I've decided to do a reverse interview with some of my popular characters interviewing me. We will talk about my inspirations, plots, and more, all from the perspective of what my characters would want to know. Some of these questions came to me directly from readers, so I thank them all for helping with this post!
Hope you guys enjoy! And thanks for reading this round of the Wattpad Block Party!
<3 Kristi
In a quiet back corner of a small Toronto café, a group of six individuals gather around a long table. This particular collection would seem, outwardly, completely normal. To look at them now, nothing about them would stand out in any particular way. Outwardly, they all seem to be your regular, everyday individuals.
But you would be wrong.
Because this group is comprised of some of the most dissimilar people you could ever gather in one setting. A royal, a former high class escort, a guardian, an angel turned mortal, and fallen angel. And, at the far end of the table, a mere mortal with nothing special about her at all.
This sixth individual is the only average one of the group. Not an angel, not of noble blood. There is absolutely nothing about her that would fit her into this gathering of individuals.
Except the fact that all the rest are all a creation of her mind.
For this final individual is a writer, Kristi McManus, or aspiring one in her mind. She is the author of several popular Wattpad stories, some of which feature the characters comprising the rest of this group. And while their connection has been one sided thus far, with the writer pulling the puppet strings of their lives and creating their worlds, the tables are about to turn.
In this meeting, the characters will get to ask the writer questions. In a rare opportunity, they will learn of their creation, the motivation for their troubles, why they went through what they did, and any hopes for the future.
For those who may not be familiar with the characters included in this interview, they are quite varied. You have Avery, a college student and former New York escort, who gave up the security of her nightlife in favor of her first love. Her story is still incomplete at this time, and she is certainly eager for some answers. Beside her you find Charlotte, a reluctant royal and former wild child, who is finally starting to build a balance between the live she was born in to, and the life she has always wanted to create of her own. This change is in full thanks to the man at her side, Harry, her former guardian and now boyfriend who's strong hand and shoulder to lean on was the change Charlotte needed. Across from them sits Harper. Not quite mortal, but not a deity either, she is of the Fallen, a group of angels cast from heaven hundreds of years ago. With her, is Michael, an angel who chose mortality to be with Harper. He was sent as her judgment, but found more than the rebellious girl he thought he would. Together, they redeemed the Fallen in exchange for their own place in Heaven, instead coming to live on earth as mortal together.

Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition III
RandomWelcome to the Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition III! Round FIVE of this popular event is coming your way the entire month of February 2017 and it's going to be epic! The invites have started to roll out and everyone from your all time favo...