Meharrjdawg of Locked Up presents: AUTHOR AND CHARACTER INTERVIEW
- A big thank you to all of you for coming here and checking out my work, to Kelly for having me as part of the Block Party and to everyone that submitted questions for this interview. I'm excited to be here and I hope you enjoy this tidbit of fun. Please welcome the main cast of Locked Up, as they'll be answering questions with me.
To Jared:
1. Why don't you just leave Vivian?
- I've had that thought, but it's not that simple. I mean, I've already done enough. I don't want to hurt her.
2. Why does your wife refuse to have kids?
- She's just not that intimate anymore. Besides, when I bring it up she gets worked up about getting fat and having stretch marks. I'm okay with her decision. It's not a big deal.
3. Why don't you man up and stop letting yourself be walked on?
- You mean about Vivian? What do you think I should do, hit her back or keep the yelling match going? It's not as bad as it seems.
To Vivian:
1. Why are you such a b...?
- Excuse me? Don't you dare call me that! You have no idea what I could do to you. Finish the book. I'm the victim you pompous piece....
2. I know you've been hurt, but don't you think you could've reacted better?
- Spend a day in my shoes before you give out your unwanted advice. Maybe you're the type to let a man walk all over you but I'm not.
To Evan:
1. What's your max bench press?
- The bench ain't nothing. I can get eight plates up, no biggie, but my love's in the squat rack. That's where I hit it hard.
2. How did you get taken down by Adam?
- That fool came at me like an idiot. He got his beat'n for it, though, don't you worry. Bro, I'd of taken him and his goon squad if it weren't for that light thing.
To the author:
1. How do you know so much about prisons? Were you an inmate?
- I can't talk about it, if I did you'd have to be killed. lol No, I was never an inmate. I've worked inside one.
2. I've followed you since you wrote Sacrifice and you've always inspired me by how you are with your kids. What's your favorite part of being a dad?
- Wow, thanks for the support. Sacrifice was a long time ago and no good. I don't really know how to answer your question. It's hard to explain. My father abandoned my mother and I before I was born. I guess I want to make sure my little one doesn't ever feel like I did. There's a certain emotion that comes from loving a child, something that can only be explained as TRUE joy. It's not the temporary self-indulgence of going out and having a good time, it's a warmth that comes from knowing you're doing the right thing.
3. What inspired you to become a writer?
- Mostly boredom, to be honest. I needed something to keep busy. I had a cousin that needed to see that writing can be enjoyable, and I thought my books might inspire my daughter to love reading.
4. I'm not fond of how you portray Vivian. Why make her so uncaring and hostile?
- You know, I actually get asked questions similar to this fairly often, mostly by those that haven't yet finished the story. I've even been accused of being sexist. Here's the thing, every person, male or female, has flaws. If a character is portrayed as nothing but strong and independent than there's an element of character development missing. Locked Up shows that everyone needs forgiveness. As those that finish the book can attest, the title has very little to do with prisons.
- Don't forget to enter meharrjdawg's giveaway for a chance to win your own copy of Locked Up.
P.S. Don't forget to enter the 130+ #WattpadBlockParty Giveaways! Clickable links are at the top of my Wattpad profile! :)
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