Welcome to the Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition III!
Round FIVE of this popular event is coming your way the entire month of February 2017 and it's going to be epic! The invites have started to roll out and everyone from your all time favo...
To be honest, there are a lot of things I want to say, but
I have no idea what I want to write or where to start.
I guess I'll start with....I've finally released The Alliance - I Declare War!
It's available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. The first 20 chapters are also available on my Wattpad Profile.
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Hmm, what else? I've decided the second book in the series will be called The Alliance ~ Swear Your Allegiance. Swear Your Allegiance is Jacob and Ebony's book, and I'm over the moon excited to write it. There's something about Jacob's 'crazy' that I love writing...Do not ask me why. I have no idea (I do but don't want to tell you) and would rather not try to contemplate it too long.
Okay and let's keep it moving before I start a long monolog of my love for my fictional character Jacob because that'll lead to my love for Lucas and Kaelen.
During The Academy ~ Book One, I actually wrote a lot more about Ebony and Jacob besides that one scene at Crystal's but decided not to use any of it. But I'm dying to give my readers a chance to read some behind the scenes that focused on Jacob and Ebony, and I had a eureka moment.
Back Story for the Out Take
In The Academy - Book One and Book Two there's reference to a sex filled night between Ebony, Jacob and a woman named Gloria after the trials of despair. After that Ebony never quite looked at Jacob the same and actually became downright scared of him and Lucas. I removed it because I didn't want to get side tracked by Jacob and Ebony in Lucas and Kayla's book. Lucas was enough of an 'S' all by himself. Book Two came along, but I didn't get a chance to add it there; to be honest, I was tired of my little sister calling me the queen of flashbacks, so I just trashed it.
I'm going to give it to you here minus the sex since we're keeping it pg-13!
One more thing!!! My disclaimer... I write dark romance, and there is no guarantee of a happy ending with my stories. My characters are unrepentant, and my stories aren't for the faint of heart. If you are looking for deliciously wick male leads, women that are kick ass, and bad guys that defy logic then I'm your girl. If you are looking for rainbows, unicorns and happy endings with a pretty pink bow, I'm definitely not the author for you.
Now with that out the way; buckle in and enjoy.
Jigu - The Academy's Pub
The interior of the pub was in stark contrast with the gaudy exterior and Ebony decided she liked it. Sitting at a far corner table of the dimly lit space, Ebony was able to see almost everything that was going. On the stage behind the bar was a tall Raxon male holding a glass of purple merlot while singing a capella, a foot away swayed a few students obviously unable to decide if they should be dancing or just standing there.