Closing Post & Important Announcements

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Hey, Everyone!

Can you believe the #WattpadBlockParty - Winter Edition III has come to an end?

This month has absolutely flown by and I can seriously hardly believe it's almost over!

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This month has absolutely flown by and I can seriously hardly believe it's almost over!

Most importantly, I want to thank each and every single one of the featured authors and all of the readers for making this event such a great and positive place for all Wattpadders to hang out and feel welcome!

Most importantly, I want to thank each and every single one of the featured authors and all of the readers for making this event such a great and positive place for all Wattpadders to hang out and feel welcome!

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I created this event as a way to give back and say, "Thank you!" I continue to run this event for those same reasons. You make this awesome place called Wattpad feel like home and I'll be forever grateful!

There are a few important announcements below for you to check out with some pertinent info on the Biggest Fan Contest, prizes, and the opportunity to sign up for the next #WattpadBlockParty. Check them out and let me know if you have any questions. If you do have a question or questions, please leave them in a comment below. Thank you!

*Biggest Fan Contest Winners will be announced shortly

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*Biggest Fan Contest Winners will be announced shortly.

*Giveaway Winners will also be announced shortly. I use Rafflecopter to randomly generate all winners, unless the contest specifically required other selection methods. Featured authors will be emailing all winners over the next two weeks. I will post the winners in a new chapter in this book as well. If you have won a prize and you haven't heard from the feature author by March 15th, please check your email and junk folder first, then send me a DM notifying me of the situation.

*The sign up form for the next #WattpadBlockParty (August 2017), will go live soon. Keep an eye out for a new chapter with a sign up link!

Thank you again!


Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

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P.S. Which posts were your favorites?

Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition IIIWhere stories live. Discover now