Eli Masters Tells All
Hey everyone! AHHH I can't believe I'm a part of the Wattpad Block Party! Oh my god this is so exciting. Wait, give me a second, please. *hyperventilates into a paper bag for a while* Okay, now I feel so much better.
Anyway, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Emma. I like to write a bunch of different genres because I get bored easily but the genre I write most is Teen Fiction. Ironically, I'm currently not writing any Teen Fiction stories but the one story I am writing does have TF-ish stuff involved (does it count if it's set in high school? Do I know what separates different stories into different genres? No? Oh well). It's possible TF-ness aside, it's called "A Guide to Being Super" and it involves a self-centered teenaged boy becoming a superhero and almost destroying the world while somehow being a comedy. Check it out if you like weird stuff like that.
Now that we're done with all the introductions and now that we're all best friends (hopefully), let's actually get to the post because that's sort of why I'm here. After I got the email from Kelly saying that I was chosen to participate in this event, I spent literally WEEKS trying to decide what I was going to write. Eventually I finally settled on a character interview because it seemed super fun and because I realized I could get you, my wonderful readers, to do half of the work for me. And, in my own biased opinion, there was no better character to do an interview with than Eli Masters from my story Just the Highlights.
I was so happy that so many of you submitted questions (I'm sorry I couldn't have Eli answer all of them). So without further adu, because I've already rambled WAY too much, here is my interview with Eli Masters (I hope you enjoy it):
Q: Would you let your little sweet pea [Ava] do the same thing you did with Julie (meaning having sex with a guy but not being together kind of thing)? (Submitted by @LunaNight46)
A: Wow, way to start with the intense stuff. I really don't think there's a correct answer to that. I mean, if I say yes then I'm a horrible father. But if I say no, then I'm a hypocrite. So I'm just going to be that annoying guy that chooses C when the only options are A and B. No, it would not be my dream that my daughter have sex with an asshole like I was in college. However, everything in between me and Julie worked out in the end so I can't really tell her not to because she's her own person. I would just hope that she heard all the advice Julie, her mother, and I gave her throughout her childhood and that she makes good decisions.Q: When you die, what should be done with your remains? (Submitted by @The_Minty_Orange)
Q: What would be your advice to Ava when she goes to college? (Submitted by @toppling)
A: Go to class, have fun, don't have too much fun.Q: Do you want another child with Julie? (Submitted by @GreySunBlueMoon and Who_Da_Man)
A: Yeah, probably. I mean, we don't have any solid plans at the moment but I love Julie and I love being a dad so why not?Q: Even though you're with Julie, do you still think of Nora from time to time? (Submitted by @pappi_devil)
A: Well I had a child with her and I was married to her so I think thinking of her is inevitable. I loved Nora a lot and I wish her life hadn't ended so soon but I also think I have moved on enough to think of her without being in pain, if that's what you mean.Q: Did you ever consider a future with Julie when you two were in college? (Submitted by @Landelion)
A: To be honest, I couldn't picture a future for anything when I was in college. I was just sort of wandering around like a chicken with my head cut off so I can't honestly say yes. But if someone had asked me then how I felt about her, if I thought we could go somewhere, I probably would have said yes. I just hadn't realized it for myself yet.Q: Would you have fallen in love with Julie if Nora was still alive? (Submitted by @Lets_Wonder)
A: You know, I'm not really sure. I can say that I loved Nora, I really did, and I never had any sort of romantic feelings for Julie the entire time I was with Nora. So I don't think I would have had romantic feelings for Julie for as long as I was with Nora. But there's no way of really knowing.Q: Would you dye your hair green? (Submitted by @Who_Da_Man)
A: Never. I love my hair! Why are you trying to get me to ruin my beautiful hair?
Q: What age can Ava start dating? (Submitted by @ISimcraft)
A:I'd prefer not to think about her dating anyone ever.
Q: What would your reaction be if one night you came home to a furious Julie with a bat in her hand? (Submitted by @Pavonine_Gem3)
A: I'd probably hide. I mean, it's probably easy to assume that I screwed up somehow so it's probably easier to hide and let her calm down instead of trying to talk to her when she's like that.Q: If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? (Submitted by @PastaLaVistaBaby)
A: To be honest, nothing. There are a lot of things I wish didn't happen but I'm also a huge believer in that whole sci-fi thing where if you change something you change everything and I would rather not do that.
Q: How does a doctor that went to Columbia make such dumb decisions? (Submitted by @throughfireandsword)
A: Okay, someone has some bitterness stored away. Let me just say that I'm sorry I hurt you with my decisions, I didn't want to hurt anyone. And I also don't really have an answer for that because I don't know. We're all human and we all make mistakes, even if someone did go to Columbia.Q: Do you think it was fate? The way things went down? I know of course, that you were in love with Nora, but do you think everything that happened, happened because you were meant to be with Julie? (Submitted by @Felicity_Todd)
A: I think it had to be. I'm a big believer of fate in general so I'd like to believe that was it because I don't see any other answer.Q: Favorite thing about Julie? (Submitted by @ok_selina)
A: Her sarcasm. When she gets mad she gets even more sarcastic than usual and I just think it's completely hilarious.
Q: What's your favorite movie of all time? (Submitted by @rare_randomness)
A: Goodfellas.
Q: Do you like watching Disney movies? (Submitted by @youjustsmile123)
A: Well since I have a child I kind of have to like Disney movies if I don't want to piss that child off. They're not my favorite movies, I don't really think I'm their demographic, but they can be entertaining and Ava loves them so I can't complain.
P.S. Don't forget to enter the 130+ #WattpadBlockParty Giveaways! Clickable links are at the top of my Wattpad profile! :)
GIVEAWAY LINK TWO (with Widgets):

Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition III
RandomWelcome to the Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition III! Round FIVE of this popular event is coming your way the entire month of February 2017 and it's going to be epic! The invites have started to roll out and everyone from your all time favo...