Welcome to the Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition III!
Round FIVE of this popular event is coming your way the entire month of February 2017 and it's going to be epic! The invites have started to roll out and everyone from your all time favo...
My name is Katherine but you may know me better as me2you804 here on Wattpad.
Before we get started, I just want to thank our fabulous host @KellyAnneBlount for making the #WattpadBlockParty possible. She has put in an incredible amount of hard work to make this happen so please make sure you all stop by and share some love. I honestly have no idea how she does it!
To start off, I wanted to give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have for me. So if you have a question about one of my books, about my upcoming projects, or just have a question you've always wanted to ask me, then just leave an inline comment with your question and I'll do my best to answer it.
Moving on....
I initially had something very different planned for this block party but I changed my mind (about twenty times). Below is the finished product of my madness – a one shot based on my story The Billionaire's Housekeeper. I hope you all enjoy it.
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"Where is it?" Claire ranted at the empty room.
Frustration and panic welled within her, growing stronger and more terrifying with every second that passed. With wide crazed eyes, she frantically dipped her hand into another box. She tossed aside all of her precious mementos as if they were nothing more than discarded sweet wrappers, her eyes searching for just one envelope. "It's got to be here."
It wasn't. Instead all she found was photograph that reminded her of the times which had come before – happier times. Sitting back on her heels, the blonde ran her fingers through her long hair and tugged on the ends as she gave a growl of frustration.
Her bedroom was in chaos. Boxes of trinkets and photographs had been upended into piles all over her room. There were small patches where the cream carpet was visible but the majority of the floor space had been overwhelmed by the hundreds of photos which fanned out around her. It looked as if she had been robbed. Ian would surely think she had lost it if he came home and witnessed the destruction which trailed through the house. No matter how much he loved her, her husband wouldn't understand. She had to find the letter. She had promised Fran, one of the last promises she had ever made to her best friend, and she wouldn't break that promise.
Her eyes swept over the mess, her head whipping from side to side. A knot formed in her chest. The thought that she might fail Fran struck terror in her heart. Chest moving up and down frantically, Claire took in short gasping breaths as she searched for some other place it could be hiding.
She stilled, her breath catching in her throat as she stared at the unobtrusive brown cardboard box perched above her wardrobe. It couldn't be that simple – if you called simple emptying every cupboard and drawer in the house. Slowly she pushed up off of the floor. Almost entranced, the blonde stepped towards the box. Glass cracked under foot, photos were kicked aside, but her gaze never wavered.