Chapter 4

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A month into dating my best friend and I'm the happiest I've ever been. I didn't even know that being in a relationship could make a person this happy let alone me. In reality not much has changed we were so much like a couple before that it's hard to tell the difference. Except when we get home, there are some differences like sharing one of our beds, the kisses, the making out and of course the sex, oh God the sex.

Yet nobody else knows, with the both of us wanting to keep it between us until we know for sure that it's going to work, so we don't stress out anybody or get in trouble. So for now the fact that Scomiche is real is our little secret, yet we don't go out of our way to hide it. We cuddle, hold hands, and share kisses everywhere, but the lips yet nobody notices, because that's the way we've always been. Even the I love yous we exchange don't earn a raised eyebrow.

Everything is going great except two weeks after the "Big Bang" as Scott likes to call it, I started feeling sick. At first I thought it was a Transition creeping up on me, but two weeks later I'm not so sure. Yes, Dr. Moore warned me that random Transitions can still be a month long, but this just feels different to me. I find myself frequently falling asleep during the day, my stomach is cramping, I keep getting headaches that leave me feeling light headed and I'm nauseous it seems like all the time. All of which can be symptoms of a Transition, but it just feels different. Maybe it just feels different, because it's my first Transition with RTD. At least this is what I'm trying to convince myself as I pace the living room trying to figure out what to do with Scott gone to meet up with Mario to record a song for YouTube together.

I told Scott I wasn't feeling well, and that I think I'm having my first Transition with RTD, but I haven't shared with him my worries. I don't need him to worry on top of it, everything is just going so well, and I don't want the honeymoon faze of our relationship to disappear, because of my paranoia. No, everything is perfect. I am fine.

Yet I ache to call somebody for advice. A second opinion is always a good thing, a voice of reason.

Who to call?

I pick up my phone scrolling through my contacts aimlessly. I need somebody that will emphasize, won't freak out and will also be honest with me. I could call my mom, but she's like me, she'd freak out. My dad is an option, but he's at work. Esther is always great, but she'll panic and demand I see Dr. Moore. Avi has always been great with advice, but he's visiting his family one last time before tour and I don't want to bother him. Kevin is great as well and might be able to give me some medical insight with him knowing so much about Carriers, but he wouldn't emphasize with me. That leaves one person, the person that I should have just called in the first place instead of starring at my phone like an idiot and based on the glare I'm getting from Wyatt he agrees.

I click on Kirstie's name before pressing the phone to my ear as I cuddle my kitty for some moral support.

"Good morning, Mitchie. What's going on?" Kirstie greets me her typical cheeriness making me smile.

"Um...Is there any way you could come over for a little while?" I ask trying to keep my anxiety out of my voice as I continue to give Wyatt cuddles.

"Sure, I'm just lazing around the house anyway, but is there something wrong? You sound upset," she asks picking up on my distress like always.

"I am a little, but I'll explain when you get here," I quickly assure her.

"Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes," she promises before ending the call.

I let Wyatt back down onto the couch before heading back to the kitchen rubbing my cramping belly absently as I grab myself a bottle of water from the fridge sipping it absently.

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