Chapter 6

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A week after taking the pregnancy tests, Scott and I sit in the waiting room of the Carrier Clinic, our hands entangled as we wait for one of the nurses to call us back. Both of us are tense with anxiety and excitement, neither of us knowing what to expect. The nerves though are not helping the nausea I fight to keep down. In the past two days my nausea has gone from just feeling nauseous, but not ever throwing up to running to the bathroom at least five times every day to throw up.

In order to keep my mind off of how sick I am feeling I glance around the room taking in the faces of the other patients sitting in the room. A man of about sixty sits with a man that is about my age that has a small bump of a belly. The older man looks furious, while the younger one silently cries. Yet, the anger from the older one does not seem to be directed at the younger, for his arm is wrapped around the younger's shoulders in a protective manner. A part of me wants to ask if everything is okay, but I know that most Carriers like to keep everything about this part of their life quiet even when it comes to other Carriers.

I move onto the next pair which is a married man and woman that appear to be in their thirties. The man's belly is distended showing that he has to be at least six months pregnant, with both his and his wife's hands resting a top of the swollen skin as they talk to each other in low whispers. The fact that it is the Carrier that is carrying the baby both saddens me and makes me happy. For more than likely the woman could not carry a baby herself, and possibly even experienced a miscarriage before the couple decided to make the risky decision of implanting one of her fertilized eggs into him. Now with him visibly pregnant with their baby he probably had to come out to all of his friends, quit his job and maybe even choose to hideaway in his home, in order to avoid being discovered by the wrong person. Their story or at least the one I imagined up in my mind brings me no comfort, so I quickly look away landing on the next group.

This group is a family of five. The two men, sit side-by-side, and are laughing as their oldest child, a boy of about four talks to them eagerly. One of the men a gorgeous Hispanic man, the Carrier, sits with a baby of about two months old tops against his bare chest, his shirt unbuttoned as the baby nurses. The other man a handsome, gruff red head holds the other baby as it sleeps peacefully in its father's arms. I know I shouldn't be starring, but I can't take my eyes off the man nursing the baby. You can see that his chest is slightly swollen, not enough to need a bra, but defiantly swollen and the nipples seem to be more...pointy?

The sight has my stomach twisting. Will my chest change in the same way? How will this pregnancy change my body? Is that permanent? I've known that Carriers can breastfeed, but I never thought of how it would change you physically. How else would my body change?

"Mitch, stop starring. They're starting to notice," Scott hisses in my ear making my eyes go wide. I quickly shoot the couple that is now looking at me an apologetic smile before letting my eyes dart away to rest in my lap.

"Scott, I'm starting to freak out. I mean, how is this all going to change my body? I didn't know that my chest would swell up like that. W-What if I can't do this?" I hiss at him blinking away the tears that start to fill my eyes.

"You'll be fine. I mean sure your body is going to change, but everybody that gets pregnant, Carriers or women, have their bodies change. Maybe your chest will swell a little, but it'll only to be able to give our baby nourishment, I mean look at him again. Do you think he's upset by his body changing or happy, because of those beautiful babies it all gave him?" Scott asks making me glance at the man nursing the baby again through my eyelashes, to see that Scott is right. The man is almost glowing with how happy he looks. He pulls the small baby away from his nipple shifting it to his shoulder to burp the baby, giving the baby a small kiss on the side of the head as it lets out a tiny burp. He settles the baby against his opposite shoulder leaving his slightly swollen chest exposed. I try to look away, but I can't for my curiosity is too much. He quickly buttons up his shirt again before glancing back up his gaze meeting mine.

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