Chapter 31

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July 2nd 

Aria: 6 months

The energy backstage is high, and crowded with people.

Off on one side is the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra all chatting happily as they have dinner their booming voices heard clear across the backstage area.

Our little area is filled with our staff, and our close family members. Scott's parents, Avi's parents, Kirstie's mom, and Kevin's parents are all gathered about chatting over our dinner of pizza, fruit, salad, and punch. The choir of Acapella Academy is also here, and they're practically bouncing in excitement to get on stage for their part in Bohemian Rhapsody. 

Aria is nestled in my lap as I feed her some homemade baby food that I made earlier. It's a simple banana mush, but she loves it. 

Scott is beside me joking with Kevin, Kevin's dad, and Rick about something I'm not quite paying attention to. The energy is light, but the nerves are there for the big show.

Also, there is a rather large elephant in the room.

Someone is missing.

Kirstie has yet to show up, and there is only an two hours till show time. I can see that Esther has yet to eat a single bite as she paces the length of the room her phone to her ear. Angelica, Kirstie's mom, is off to the side with tears in her eyes. I can see that she is disappointed and worried about her daughter. 

"Am! Psh!" Aria squeals her tiny hand reaching up to my face as she tries to put her hand in my mouth.

"What do you want Ama to eat your fingers?" I ask her teasingly as I nibble at her tiny little hand playfully making her squeal in delight as she takes her hand back.

"Mitch, have you ate yet?" Kevin asks me as I put aside Aria's bowl of food bouncing her on my leg as I kiss her cheek.

"No, I was feeding Aria, I haven't had time yet," I admit as I clean the mess off my daughter's face.

"That's what I figured give her here. let Uncle Kevin see his favorite little niece," Kevin encourages holding out his hands for my daughter.

"Do you want to see Uncle Kevin? Come on sweetheart," I carefully hand her over to Kevin scaring her for a moment until Kevin makes a funny noise in her ear assuring her that it is just her goofy Uncle Kevin whom continues to beatbox to her making all kinds of funny noises making her squeal in delight.

Kevin's beatboxing, and Avi's deep voice is always the funniest things to Aria. She is always laughing hysterically whenever they beatbox or Avi sings. 

With Aria safely in her Uncle's arms I grab a couple of slices of pizza before settling down on Scott's lap as I sip my bottle of water.

"While hello there," he laughs kissing my neck with his greasy pizza lips.

I giggle under the gentle touch blushing as several of the others chuckle at our PDA.

"Alright, I'm curious. When is this Scomiche wedding going to be? I haven't heard a thing, and I'm the groom's mother," Connie pouts teasing us, but truly curious to our wedding plans.

"We want to wait until Aria is a year. So, maybe a February wedding. We haven't really decided for sure yet. We have started to browse different themes, and I am still debating on if I should wear a dress or a tux," I admit thoughtfully chewing on my pizza.

"Dress, please, a dress. You would be gorgeous, and you would find a dress that would flatter both your masculinity and femininity," Connie encourages.

"Yes, it would be so you to wear a beautiful gown," Curline, Kevin's mom, agrees.

"Okay, then I think I will go with a gown. I had just been worried about what people would say," I admit blushing.

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