Chapter 26

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March 23

Aria: 2 months

Things have been crazy over the past month. Scott and I have been hard at work writing, and recording an EP for Superfruit. Pentatonix has just released the music video for Imagine and things have been even more crazy with Aria thrown into it all.

We're lucky for now that Aria is two months she is starting to sleep almost through the night, we still have to get up a couple of times, but it's better than the four or five times we're had to get up in the past.

Other than filming for the Imagine video I haven't heard much from Kirstie, which I find myself once again grateful for.

Whenever we are working Aria is right there with us lying on a blanket on the floor between my legs as I discuss Superfruit music, in her daddy's arms as we run through a song, or sleeping in a little bassinet. Either way her care is never left up to some stranger or even close friend, it's always her daddy and ama taking care of her.

Today we are not at the studio or discussing work things with anybody. Today we're at Dr. Moore's office for a check-up.

I sit in the waiting room with Aria held to my chest as she sucks on her hand fascinated with the new discovery of her hands. She is starting to drool a little meaning there are plenty of bibs that need to be washed lately, and I am always finding drool spots on my own clothes.

I bend over snatching up one of Aria's toys from the baby bag in hopes of distracting her from her hands for a moment. I carefully bring her down, so that she's nestled safely in my arms kissing the back of her head gently making her give me this bright little smile as she meets my eyes her brown eyes twinkling as she watches me.

"What do you think sweetheart? Do you want your froggy?" I ask her holding out the small stuffed frog for her that she seems to have fallen in love with. Her little eyes go wide and she reaches out her tiny little hands making grabby hands at me demanding to see this said froggy.

I lower it down into her reach watching as she tries to grasp onto it. As she amuses herself Scott returns from signing both Aria and I in.

"Hello, my sweet girl. Does Ama have your froggy?" Scott asks her leaning down to give her a kiss making her smile up at him letting out a soft cooing noise.

"What did the receptionist have to say?" I ask him curiously as I shift a now bored Aria, so that she is sitting up in my lap with her head against my shoulder.

"It's going to be a pretty normal appointment for you both. Dr. Moore wants to check how your body is handling recovering from the pregnancy, and check Aria's growth. Make sure everything is on track," he says shrugging, but the way he doesn't meet my eyes says there is something more.

"Scott, what aren't you telling?" I ask making him sigh.

"Aria's first round of shots is today. She's getting three. I know you're scared, because you don't want to see our baby girl in pain, so if you want you can step out of the room when it happens while I hold her," Scott offers having recalled my voicing of my anxieties over the past few weeks of her getting her first shots.

"No, I'll be okay. She needs both her Ama and daddy," I tell him even though my stomach is twisting over the idea of my sweet little girl hurting.

Scott wraps his arm around me kissing the back of my head gently as I lean into him while holding Aria steady. She happily continues to try to grasp her hand around her froggy, but her muscles aren't quite strong enough for that, so she just happily continues to touch it. Smiling brightly while funny little sounds, that aren't quite a giggle, when her daddy attacks her sides and cheeks with the stuffed animal.

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