Chapter 42

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February 22

Aria: 1 year 1 month

"Go get him, Aria. Get Ama," I can hear Scott insist as I fake sleep burying my face into the pillows. 

I peek an eye open to see Aria crawling across the bed with Scott standing to the side watching her to make sure she doesn't fall off.

I quickly close my eyes as Aria gets closer. A soft pat on my cheek, and a head butt has me opening my eyes again to meet the pretty brown eyes of my baby girl whom is right in front of my face.

"Ama," she squeals patting my cheek again with her small pudgy baby hand.

"Aria," I sweep her up off the bed tossing her into the air before catching her making her squeal with delight.

I settle her back down on my chest kissing the top of her blonde head.

"How is my sweet little girl this morning?" I ask her running a hand over her hair. 

I do a quick diaper check expecting a nasty one, but she is clean. 

"How long have you been up?" I ask Scott sitting up while keeping a hold of Aria.

"About half an hour. Got her changed, and ordered some room service for breakfast," he shrugs, "How are you feeling today?"

He comes over to sit on the bed beside Aria and I. Wrapping his arm around my shoulders allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.

"I'm great. My stomach isn't bothering me, and I'm ready for some adventures. What do you think Aria, are you ready to go have fun?" I ask Aria bouncing my leg that she is sitting on making her squeal as she grabs my knee to keep herself steady.

"Awesome, I am glad that you are feeling better, so we can go out and enjoy Hawaii. How do you feel about going to the waterpark today? They have this adorable part that is made for kids Aria's age. It would be great to let her experience water for the first time," Scott suggests nuzzling my shoulder.

"Sounds like fun. I think we should also go to the zoo, she may not understand what all she will see, but it will be fun for her to see all the animals," I reply.

"We should go to the zoo first then, I think. Then, the waterpark. What do you think?" he suggests making me nod.

"Agreed, but first breakfast. We're both hungry, aren't we Aria?" I ask her making her look over at me.

"Yum," she insists meaning she wants food now or we'll have a little tantrum on our hands.

A knock on the door lets us know breakfast has arrived.

Scott gets up to get the door while I get up settling Aria for the moment in her playpen well I quickly go use the bathroom.

I return picking Aria back up and settling at the small table that is in the room. She starts to fuss in my arms getting hungry for some kind of food now.

Scott settles two plates of french toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon on the table. There is also a smaller plate of pancakes, and scrambled eggs. There is also some delicious smelling coffee.

"Don't just feed her, make sure you eat too," Scott reminds me as he starts to dig into his meal.

"I will," I promise as I start to feed Aria cutting her pancakes up into fine pieces before offering a fork full to her. She takes it munching happily.

She doesn't like maple syrup on her pancakes, instead there is some powdered sugar, and butter. Everytime I go to give her a fork full of her breakfast she grabs my hand and follows my hand to her mouth.

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