Chapter 12

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Warning this chapter could be triggering to those that struggle with miscarriage, and other pregnancy complications. 

June 2

16 weeks, 3 months 3 weeks, second quarter

It's already past midnight, almost 6 hours since Kirstie collapsed backstage. 

Esther, Scott, Kevin, Avi, Austin and I all sit in the waiting room of some hospital in Amsterdam. Esther is fast asleep her head resting on Avi's shoulder. Kevin has his head resting against the wall his hands folded in his lap with his eyes closed, but no sleep coming to him. Scott is trying to stay awake, but is fighting a losing battle. I keep as close to Scott as I can craving the comfort he provides. 

My hand keeps going down to rest on my belly rubbing the swollen area gently as I think of Kirstie and her baby. I can't even imagine losing my baby, and to know that my best friend is more than likely going through just that leaves me with a sickening feeling in my chest.

Now looking back on the previous day it seems so silly to have worried about lactating. The joy we had felt well exploring Amsterdam seems like it was ages ago, and has me hating myself. For we were all out having fun while Kirstie was suffering from the symptoms of a pregnancy complication. How could I allow myself to have gone out when she needed us? I should have known something was wrong, I should have barged into her hotel room and demanded to know what was going on. If I had maybe things wouldn't be so mad...

"Mitch, have you ate anything?" Avi's deep voice suddenly asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I notice that we are the only ones now awake with all of them having lost the battle of consciousness.

"No, none of us have, but I'm not really hungry," I admit even though I know I should eat for the baby.

"Well how about we go find something to eat, surprise the others with some food when they wake up?" Avi suggests not mentioning my pregnancy, or how I shouldn't be skipping meals.

The idea of getting on my feet and walking around a bit seems really appealing especially with my back starting to really bother me after hours of sitting in this chair. Not to mention the way my stomach growls softly reminding me that I really do need to eat.

"Okay, but won't they be worried if we just leave? Also, what if the doctor comes out with news of Kirstie?" I ask biting my lip nervously starting to wonder if this is a good idea.

"You guys go ahead I'll let everyone know where you're going," the sound of Austin's voice catches my attention. 

"Thanks Austin, see Mitch Austin will be here if the doctor comes out, and he'll wake everybody if they do. Now come on we need food," Avi encourages me offering me a hand up.

"Austin isn't going to follow us?" I ask skeptically, so used to Austin following us around ever since it was announced I am a Carrier.

"No, just stay in the area, and stay by Avi's side Mitch no wondering. Avi if you have to hold his hand to make sure he doesn't wonder off," Austin says giving me a playful smile that doesn't meet his tired eyes.

"I'm not holding his hand if I have to go to the bathroom," I argue accepting Avi's hand as he helps me up from my seat careful to not wake Scott.

"Oh he won't hold your hand, but he is following you into the bathroom. You never know what kind of creepers are hiding out in public bathrooms," he replies making me roll my eyes as Avi and I head out of the waiting room.

"Just so we're clear I'm not holding your hand," I tell Avi as we walk down the hallway to the exit.

"That's fine," he replies linking arms with me instead.

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