Chapter 29

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June 6th

Aria: 5 months

The past month has been challenging. Announcing to the fans that Avi has made plans to leave has left many fans heartbroken, and even all us are trying to come to terms with Avi's announcement.

The small tour we did in Japan was interesting to say the least. For between Avi's announcement to leave after this tour, and Kirstie's strange behavior it was full of emotion, and every one was on edge. Even little Aria had felt it, and was more fussy than normal. We made sure though to keep all the inside drama from the fans, acting like everything's okay when on stage.

Behind closed doors everything was different. Kirstie no longer came to our dressing rooms she prefered to stay in her own. Scott, and I would stay in ours keeping our four month old at the time occupied. Our staying in our dressing room though meant everyone migrated into ours, and our dressing room always became the hangout area. 

Being in Japan was also a challenging experience for it was our first shows with Aria. I wasn't sure how she or I was going to handle it. Yet, it all worked out for her godmother Esther, and Auntie Nicole had her all taken care of during the shows. Scott and I always had Aria in bed before we went on stage, for it's always after 9 that we walk on, but if she woke Auntie Esther and Auntie Nicole saved the day with cuddles or singing horribly to her. There were even two nights that they put little ear protection ear muffs on her head and brought her out by the side of the stage for a couple of songs. Scott of course went down and stole her so he could parade around with her on stage. Always eager to show off our daughter to anyone that is willing to pay attention for a couple of moments, even if it is an arena full of fans.

So far Transitions haven't been horrible. A migraine that flared up one day when we were at home that had me napping for the rest of the day. I had a week of some mild stomach cramping and some vomiting too, but I had it handled. Nothing too horrible. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about.

This month Scott and I are just looking forward to staying home, and enjoying our month off with our baby girl for some family time while we do promotion for Superfruit.

"Scott! We have no food!" I yell from the kitchen as I search the cabinets for something to eat only to find that we have failed to really purchase any kind of food other than take out, and with Aria still mostly drinking just my milk along with some rice cereal, and baby foods. Yet, we have managed to scrap by even on that with what we still have left over from tour.

"Can't we just order something?" he whines from where he is on the couch with a large hoodie and sweatpants on.

"No, we need baby food, and I think we're running low on diapers too. I suppose Aria and I can just go by ourselves if you really insist on staying here," I grumble as I walk over to where I have Aria settled in her high chair and easily lift her up making airplane noises as I do after announcing to her that I'm picking her up in hopes of helping her understand what she is doing.

"No! I'll come with you, just let me change real quick. Do you want me to grab anything from the nursery while I'm upstairs?" he asks as he leaps up from the couch just as I expected he would. 

Something Scott absolutely hates is me going alone anywhere. He has this paranoid feeling that the moment I walk out the door without an escort someone is going to snatch me away from him now that the world knows I'm a Carrier. 

I also found out that really I shouldn't be going anywhere alone anyway due to Carriers legally not supposed to be going anywhere without a Caregiver, but I don't let it bother me for in truth I don't like going anywhere alone. A part of me is also paranoid that something will happen, and that terrifies me especially with Aria being here now too.

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